PF check up 4/8 LP game

PF check up 4/8 LP game

Seems old threads are going away....

8 handed LP 4/8 game

2 limps to me in the CO. BTN and blinds are LP types.

I have JTo. Easy limp?

Same game, 5 limps to me OTB. I have J4s. See a flop?

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13 January 2025 at 10:27 PM

7 Replies

I'd probably just ditch JTo in this spot, particularly if you're in a game where people are limping stuff like QJo or KJo and/or a game where the button will call 2 cold a lot. I'd consider raising if the button is very tight and/or the limpers have decapitated ranges.

Yeah, with 5 (!) limpers in front of me I would play any two suited on the button. The goal is to flop two pair/trips, a flush draw, or potentially some sort of combo draw like a pair + BDFD or a straight draw + BDFD. As long as you're not blindly showing down with any pair in an eight way pot I think it's fine to speculate a bit here.

lol my answer is the exact opposite. I just can’t imagine j4 has its fair share of equity here given that people are likely limping better.

My guess is JT is a fold there too but I like playing hands.

If only we had pio solver

maybe not a serious answer but because its 4/8 and id be drinking id limp both hands. its probably like a 25 cent decision either way.

as an aside if you were to fold though it probably makes sense to keep yourself from looking at the flop sometimes to prevent thinking about what "might have been" given its a borderline decision. because later in the session in a decision that isnt as close as this you might end up being too loose as a result.

If I’m drinking, I raise both

i think folding both is probably best.

vs one limper id raise the jto and maybe j9o if i had a good handle on the opponents game(complete with raise good hands, limp weak hands range decapitation, and postfloppassivity helps)

vs 2 limpers* youre always going to have to hit to win; unless youre a donk whisperer and you frequently check back j hi on the river for the win. blasting your way through 2 limpers is a bad plan.

*plus whoever calls behind you.

id play j7s on the button. qxs+, etc. maybe with 4+ limpers already j4s is good? needs more dead money. playing j4s is venturing very far into the realm of (i have to play better than my opponents to play this profitably). some guys here in the forum would probably have a profitable limp long term. im guessing they play much better than most. in terms of reciprocal opportunities postflop, theyre playing every spot as good or better than their opponents. im out of practice so im mucking, and i think op should too.

my mistake. thought it was 2 limpers both examples. with 5 limpers in i c.all j2s+ on the button and roll with the punches.

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Thanks for replies and why I posted, I limped both, almost mucked the J4s.

I figure they are pretty close but I am trying to shed a "he's so so tight" image with the regs so trying to pick some spots to play speculative hands I can showdown sometimes.

I know I whiffed the J4s and folded, don't remember the JTo result.
