Set mine spot or fold? 4/8 lhe

Set mine spot or fold? 4/8 lhe

I was BB here, but thought it was a somewhat interesting spot for LJ and wanted thoughts.

8 handed 4/8 game, bad tilted BTN is getting short(7-8 BB) and straddles.

Bad SB calls, I am in BB with AKo and raise, UTG monkey takes 3 to face, UTG+1 folds. 5 BB

LJ is sitting with 66. HJ is typical 4/8 player, CO is a TAG who is capable of raising, tilty BTN could raise as well and I could cap it.

Getting ~3:1 with implied and likely 4-5 way action, are you calling 3 cold knowing it could be capped back to you for 2 more?

( I whiffed and folded turn so not trying to sneak in a bad beat story)

I think I would fold, but in RT maybe not due to table conditions. I don't think I would like my position and the possibility of paying a cap to see a flop with 66, even 5 or 6 way.

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17 January 2025 at 02:54 PM

9 Replies

In this spot at a 4/8 limit game with a straddle and a lot of potential action, it’s a marginal and nuanced decision whether to call 3 cold with pocket sixes (66) in the LJ. Let’s break down the key factors that influence the decision:

Key Considerations
Pot Odds and Implied Odds

You are getting approximately 3:1 immediate pot odds to call (5 bets in the pot).
If the pot is capped, you will face 2 more bets. In a 5-6 way pot, this still provides compelling pot odds (~7:1 or more total).
Implied odds with a set can be significant in a multiway pot, especially with a tilted player involved.

Calling in the LJ means you will be out of position against four players post-flop (HJ, CO, BTN, and possibly SB).
In a multiway pot, this positional disadvantage reduces your ability to navigate effectively. You are more likely to face bets and raises without the benefit of closing the action.
Capping Risk and Set Mining Viability

The potential for a cap is realistic with multiple aggressive players behind (TAG CO, tilty BTN). If the pot is capped back to you for 2 more bets, the additional cost significantly reduces your implied odds for set mining.
In limit poker, hands like 66 are primarily valuable for set-mining because their unimproved showdown value is weak. Without a set, you'll struggle to win a capped pot.
Table Dynamics

The presence of a bad, tilted, short-stacked BTN can increase the expected value of set-mining. If BTN and CO often make marginal plays, it might slightly increase your equity when you hit.
However, short-stacked opponents reduce implied odds because they can’t pay off as much if you hit.
Arguments for Folding
The combination of:

Being out of position.
Likely facing a cap (2 more bets) from aggressive players.
Limited implied odds due to short stacks.
Minimal post-flop maneuverability when unimproved.
Together, these factors make calling with 66 marginal at best.
Folding is a conservative but solid play given the low likelihood of winning without improving and the awkwardness of navigating multiway pots out of position in a capped situation.

Arguments for Calling
You are already getting decent pot odds (3:1), and the implied odds could be large in a 5-6 way pot if you hit a set.
A tilted, bad player in the hand can justify more speculative plays because their mistakes add equity to the pot.
The dynamic of the game may favor seeing more flops if the table is loose and passive, though this situation has potential aggression.

Given the table dynamics and potential for a cap, folding is the more prudent choice. The combination of positional disadvantage, capping risk, and reduced implied odds due to short stacks makes this a difficult set-mining spot. If the game were looser and more passive (less risk of a cap), calling would be more viable. In this exact scenario, though, the likelihood of facing aggression from behind tips the scales towards folding.

= = = = =

WOW - I did not write that. As a test, I fed your question into ChatGPT to see what it would say. The answer was much more thorough and nuanced than I expected, and interesting enough that I thought I should post it.

Most player who put in one bet BTF will call multiple raises BTF more so in smaller games.

I like to have pocket sevens or higher in that spot which decreases the likelihood of set over set with me having an under set.

What exactly did you enter into ChatGPT to get such a detailed response?

by bruce k

What exactly did you enter into ChatGPT to get such a detailed response?

I didn't expect a good answer. I was actually guessing it would assume this was no-limit. So I used the following prompt "I am playing 4/8 limit poker (not no-limit). How should I proceed in the following scenario: " and then I cut and pasted the entire original post.

Very interesting. Thanks.

by bruce k

Most player who put in one bet BTF will call multiple raises BTF more so in smaller games.

I like to have pocket sevens or higher in that spot which decreases the likelihood of set over set with me having an under set.

What exactly did you enter into ChatGPT to get such a detailed response?

Yea I was thinking I needed 88/99 to call here.

I've never heard of allowing a button straddle in a LHE game. I think it's bad even in NL, but this is a terrible idea.

by chillrob k

I've never heard of allowing a button straddle in a LHE game. I think it's bad even in NL, but this is a terrible idea.

Yea, seems to me your are punishing the blinds unduly by allowing it. This place has been doing it since I started playing again in 2023.

I'm curious, what room?

★ Recommended Post
by chillrob k

I'm curious, what room?

Lone Butte AZ.
