Is 4/8 limit holdem beatable?

Is 4/8 limit holdem beatable?

This seems to be a really common game with mostly older players. People say it is hard to beat the rake for it.

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20 January 2025 at 04:07 AM

46 Replies


I have beaten it lifetime over 2 big bets an hour lifetime.. and im talking 1000+ hours..

hopefully i never have to play it again

by MyrnaFTW k

I have beaten it lifetime over 2 big bets an hour lifetime.. and im talking 1000+ hours..

hopefully i never have to play it again

That is pretty impressive. But how long ago and how much was the rake then?

When I started playing 4/8 the rake was $3 max, which was certainly beatable by the smart beginner I was at that time.

by chillrob k

That is pretty impressive. But how long ago and how much was the rake then?

When I started playing 4/8 the rake was $3 max, which was certainly beatable by the smart beginner I was at that time.

we are talking 01-04 here , and then briefly in 10 when i went broke, and i play it now once or twice a year with a friend or two to chase a bbj and have some beers.

so i believe commerce was 5, sands was around 5, the pink chip game was 5 as well.
boulder and orleans are now 6 i believe .

My 4/8 results sprinkled out over the last 8+ years waiting to play in bigger games.

by MyrnaFTW k

we are talking 01-04 here , and then briefly in 10 when i went broke, and i play it now once or twice a year with a friend or two to chase a bbj and have some beers.

so i believe commerce was 5, sands was around 5, the pink chip game was 5 as well.
boulder and orleans are now 6 i believe .

Those places had $5 rake in 2001?

by TheDarkKnight k

My 4/8 results sprinkled out over the last 8+ years waiting to play in bigger games.

That's huge! Does it include high hand bonuses?

Of course

my hourly which was near that also included all bonuses , but i hit no bbj .

you have to include it since we are paying for it on rake side.

i remember 5 on the rake side, but we are talking over 20 years ago now..

by TheDarkKnight k

Of course

Did you run particularly well in them.

I keep track of my high hand bonuses, but haven't always made a note of what game I was playing when I hit?

Yeah, 4/8 is $4+$3 drop around here these days.

I do track my overall PSJ/HH totals (I avg. between $5.2k-$7.5k a year playing full time), and i do note when I hit one in my session notes, but i don’t list what limit I hit them in in my monthly summaries so I can’t filter that info … which is fine cause I don’t care and it doesn’t matter anyway.

I'm a bit confused by your last comment. Does this 4/8 total include the bonuses that were actually hit when playing that limit? Or some kind of prorated portion of the total, based on the hours played?

It includes PSJ and HH hit while playing that limit. I note it in my session so that I can input it separate in my spreadsheet later.

by TheDarkKnight k

My 4/8 results sprinkled out over the last 8+ years waiting to play in bigger games.

wow. I would love to see your PFR, VPIP WTSD etc. stats like online databases can. And mine to compare.

Are your 4/8 games 9 handed? 5+ to each flop? Is it a resort environment or a typical casino/card room? Free drinks?

4/8 is 8-handed here. It’s a typical card room. 3-4 4-8 games usually. I don’t play in the games a lot but I assume the pots are usually multiway.

I’m basically playing like a maniac when i play. I’d guess my vpip is around 35-40% and my PFR is around 28-33%. I’m playing hyperLAG pre but not giving nits/abc players action postflop and definitely not on big bet streets. You also have to get some bluffs through. People make it sound impossible but it’s really not.

I was thinking when I have occasionally played the 4/8 game at the same place, there has not been a lot of action. Sounds like you're creating the action.

Yeah, I like to experiment with a hyperlag style when I’m playing 4/8, making sure every pot goes through me and putting the whole table out of their comfort zone. I find it entertaining seeing how they react to it. I’m pretty sure I’m the world record holder for raising preflop in 4/8 and then check-folding the flop. Once in a while, I’ll be in a zoo game though and I have to tone it down but usually I’m forcing the action for sure. I find it extremely fun.

Sure, but so is your mom. But why would you want to?

by deuceblocker k

This seems to be a really common game with mostly older players. People say it is hard to beat the rake for it.

Anyone that can beat 4/8 can and should be playing higher. However I think it’s beatable, especially with table selection.

so whats the correct strategy to use at these stakes?

by TheDarkKnight k

My 4/8 results sprinkled out over the last 8+ years waiting to play in bigger games.

What app are you using in this screenshot?

by TheDarkKnight k

My 4/8 results sprinkled out over the last 8+ years waiting to play in bigger games.

How did you spend only $72 over 420 hours on tips AND food? How did you track your tip expenses?
