Bloated pot, GS+ overs, 2 to the face twice.

Bloated pot, GS+ overs, 2 to the face twice.

4/8 8 handed, some aggressive players are on the table, pots have been good, I have hit some nice hands in nice pots lately, seen as 'running hot' currently.

I am BB.

2 limps, Older asian guy slightly tilty raises, older asian LAG calls , folds to me I look down at AK and 3!, calls to tilty guy who caps, LAG and I call.

5 way pre, 10 BB.

Flop is JT6 with 2 diamonds, no club. I have a gut shot and 2 overs in a big pot. I check, check, check, tilty bets, LAG raises. 11.5 BB. I put tilty on a big pair, with my blockers99-QQ, LAG a J or a Diamond/straight draw. I call and check my neck for gills.

folds to tilty who 3! and LAG caps. 14.5 BB. I call. Tilty calls. 16 BB

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22 January 2025 at 06:12 PM

6 Replies

If I know that the betting will likely be capped (as seems pretty expected here), I fold the first time it gets back to me for 2 bets. If I somehow was still in the hand the next time it got back to me, I would call, knowing the betting is capped.

You have three clean outs and if you catch a Queen there are redraws. I would be inclined to fold on the flop. You’re in a tough spot with poor position.

Yeah, the first flop call was not my best. I think the cap call was ok after the first not great call.

Does a club on the flop change it at all?


I turned a non diamond Q, CR'd both of them, they called, river was a blank, I bet tilty called, LAG shows his JT and folds, tilty had KK.

Once you call the first raise you have to call the next raise.

I’ve been told here that even with a club I should not be calling a raise with a gut shot and back door flush draw in a capped BTF multi-way pot but I’m not sure if I agree with that. If it’s incorrect it’s not by much.

This is slightly different. I had two back door draws.

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I would call with a rainbow flop or a BDFD but this is probably a fold. The only thing I’m sure of is that it’s a marginal decision either way.
