4/8 flopped bottom set wet board

4/8 flopped bottom set wet board

Table was great with some bad and one downright terrible player.

4 limps to me in SB with 33, I complete, terrible player decides to raise from his BB.(He had thrice bluffed raised rivers with air, twice multiway and another time heads up against a pre flop raiser who bet the whole way. Strangely, he got called, then complained 'you can't get people off hands like no limit' )

All calls, 6 way pre, 6 BB.

Flop is 345 rb. I check, BB bets, call, fold, HJ bad player raises, typical 4/8 player on OTB 3 bets, I cap. Too aggro? BB folds, fold, HJ calls, BTN calls. 3way, 12 BB

Turn is a K. I chicken out and check. HJ checks, BTN says out loud, "no check, if they got it they got it' and bets. I don't play with him much, and I try to figure out what hands he would 3 bet the flop with and then say that, to me its like he has a set or the 67 or possibly A2. I call, HJ calls.

River is a 7, I check, HJ now bets. BTN grumbles and calls, shows me his hand as I put out my call.

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27 January 2025 at 03:17 PM

10 Replies

I would bet/call the turn. The king doesn't change your relative hand strength relative to any of the hands these guys would have, particularly since the preflop raiser folded. You also don't want the turn checked around and that will happen some non-zero amount of the time if you cap and then donk check a blank.

The rest of the hand looks fine. I assume you lost to 65 or something but you still need to pay off here.

Unless you have some read that HJ makes bizarre bluffs (like the ones BB makes, I think you can fold the river.

What did the button have?

HJ won with her J6s, BTN had KK.

17 BB pot hard to fold a set but I feel you.

I forgot who said it, but it was the best advice....he said "If your not losing a lot of money when your sets get busted, your not playing them right."

Nothing like just calling with KK on the button.

by chillrob k

Nothing like just calling with KK on the button.

'typical 4/8 player'- so many people in already will wait to make sure an A doesn't flop. All the time.

by killians3 k

'typical 4/8 player'- so many people in already will wait to make sure an A doesn't flop. All the time.

And then he thought that was a safe flop? Lol

by chillrob k

And then he thought that was a safe flop? Lol

Some of the thinking going on amazes me. And frustrates as I am marginally beating the game, but I am getting better at it.

Played next to a guy who thinks we're buddies last week, he plays any 2 connected and loves his straights and low 2Ps. Gets mad when his connected 2p get beat by straights by the other droolers playing any 2 connected.

He was losing(again) and was showing me his cards when I was not in the hand. Kill pot, raised and 3!, he show me J9o and says, " I have to call" and does. wtf, lol.

Whiffs the K high flop except for a BDSD, calls a flop bet and angrily throws in his cards when he misses the turn.

by killians3 k

Some of the thinking going on amazes me. And frustrates as I am marginally beating the game, but I am getting better at it.

Played next to a guy who thinks we're buddies last week, he plays any 2 connected and loves his straights and low 2Ps. Gets mad when his connected 2p get beat by straights by the other droolers playing any 2 connected.

He was losing(again) and was showing me his cards when I was not in the hand. Kill pot, raised and 3!, he show me J9o and says, " I have to call" and does. w

One of my more useful 4/8 skills is my ability to encourage bad play. I'll cheer hard for a new "buddy" playing any two cards. I loudly celebrate his wins. And I am truly happy for him, even when he beats me - each pot he wins keeps him in the game. His "fearless" play with a hand like J9o will sometimes win him a hand he "deserves" to win, so I tell him that. I don't tell him in this situation "fearless" is a synonym for "stupid." When he hits the frequent and inevitable bad streak, I tell him it was just bad luck, and that he is now way overdue to hit a big hand. I want bad players at my table, so I want them to have a good time.

★ Recommended Post
by daveopie k

One of my more useful 4/8 skills is my ability to encourage bad play. I'll cheer hard for a new "buddy" playing any two cards. I loudly celebrate his wins. And I am truly happy for him, even when he beats me - each pot he wins keeps him in the game. His "fearless" play with a hand like J9o will sometimes win him a hand he "deserves" to win, so I tell him that. I don't tell him in this situation "fearless" is a synonym for "stupid." When he hits the frequent and inevitable bad streak, I tel

I am not quite that enthusiastic, but I sympathize with them when they lose(good days, bad days, I had that happen Tuesday, etc etc) and say ' nice hand' or 'nice pot' on their 'fearless' plays that hit once in awhile.

In the J9o hand I think said something like' that was a brave flop call' after he was fuming.
