Bad 3 bet or nah?

Bad 3 bet or nah?

4/8 typical game. V is new to table, I have never played with him before, 40ish white guy. Seems typical LP 4/8 player in short time he's played.

2 limps to me in MP with 77, I limp along, V limps, blinds play. 6 way flop, 3 BB

Flop is 743 with 2 hearts. Checks to me, I bet, V calls, 3 other callers. 5 BB

Turn is a 4. Checks to me, I bet, V and 1 other caller. 8 BB

River is the K of hearts bringing flush.

Check to me, I bet, V raise, fold, I 3 bet thinking he could have a 4, K4s or maybe overplaying nut flush. Also quads of course.

He 4 bets immediately, I say 'nice high hand' and call.

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10 February 2025 at 02:17 PM

7 Replies

I’d raise pre. Three bet river is a no brainer. I don’t think raising the river here is “overplaying the nut flush”

Try playing no limps for a while. Either raise or fold pre.

There's one combo of 44 against which you lose two bets (the third and fourth). How many combos of worse hand need to call your 3bet for that raise to break even?

by Munga30 k

Try playing no limps for a while. Either raise or fold pre.

There's one combo of 44 against which you lose two bets (the third and fourth). How many combos of worse hand need to call your 3bet for that raise to break even?

See my other post "am I limping along too much?"

Your answer would be 'hell yes.'

Other question, most 4/8 regs are going to be scared of the paired board and probably call me down with any 4, non-nut flush and maybe nut flush. They are generally raising me with FH or better, maybe the nut flush, and some would fold to my 3 bet with a flush.

But point taken, easy 3 bet. Thanks.

by ninefingershuffle k

I’d raise pre. Three bet river is a no brainer. I don’t think raising the river here is “overplaying the nut flush”

Thanks. I meant overplaying the flush from my perspective as I obv. have him beat.

In his shoes I am raising the river with the nut flush and calling a 3 bet.

are you seriously beating yourself up for losing to quads or KK? if you just call here you are burning up money long term and will never leave 4/8. bad nits just call here, thats why they are playing 4/8 and will play 4/8 for eternity.

I don’t have a problem with limping 77.

by NittyOldMan1 k

are you seriously beating yourself up for losing to quads or KK? if you just call here you are burning up money long term and will never leave 4/8. bad nits just call here, thats why they are playing 4/8 and will play 4/8 for eternity.

Thanks. I almost didn't post. This section is pretty dead and I look for spots to post to confirm/correct my play even though alot of the time I know the answer.
