Let's talk about "rammin and Jammin. Most of this is from a convo between Izmet fekeli and 2+2 members back in 1999 lol. But I think it's still relevant. The idea is that if there are enough people already in the pot, raising with a second best hand is profitable. For Example, four people limp in, super tight lady raises, she can only have (AA, KK, QQ, AK) and its on you , if you believe the limpers are gong to call, you should be raising hands like AQo - AJo...even if you know you have a second best hand. The limpers in the pot make it profitable for the top two hands....yes the old lady is making more, but you are getting your share. also, goes for the flop. say you have the nut flush draw...if you are sure at least two people are going to call your raise, you should be raising, even if you know you're behind.
6 Replies
I’m confused. If tight lady only raises with QQ+ and AK, I’m mucking AJ and AQ.
Let's talk about "rammin and Jammin. Most of this is from a convo between Izmet fekeli and 2+2 members back in 1999 lol. But I think it's still relevant. The idea is that if there are enough people already in the pot, raising with a second best hand is profitable. For Example, four people limp in, super tight lady raises, she can only have (AA, KK, QQ, AK) and its on you , if you believe the limpers are gong to call, you should be raising hands like AQo - AJo...even if you know you have a se
I disagree. Using a simulator with 5 hands with ranges {AA, KK, QQ, AKs, AKo}, {AQo, AJo}, {100%}, {100%}, {100%} , I calculate your equity with AQo/AJo to be 14.5%. If you are the button, and the action is limp, limp, limp, old lady raises, if you 3 bet and everyone calls (including old lady), you are putting in 3 bets out of 15, or 20% of the pot with 14.5% equity.
With a 4th limper with 100% range, I calculate your equity now to be 12.8%, where you are contributing 16.66% of the pot.
You may be able to come up with scenarios where raising with the second best hand makes sense, but that's not it.
I disagree. Using a simulator with 5 hands with ranges {AA, KK, QQ, AKs, AKo}, {AQo, AJo}, {100%}, {100%}, {100%} , I calculate your equity with AQo/AJo to be 14.5%. If you are the button, and the action is limp, limp, limp, old lady raises, if you 3 bet and everyone calls (including old lady), you are putting in 3 bets out of 15, or 20% of the pot with 14.5% equity.
With a 4th limper with 100% range, I calculate your equity now to be 12.8%, where you are contributing 16.66% of the pot.
You may
I think you actually have to use JJ or 1010 to make it work. Hands that are clear losers heads up but become profitable when there are multiple opponents in. I assume this will strictly be for sets that aren’t undersetted that much and overpairs. I got above 20% for both hands 5 ways with the ranges you assigned.
The idea does work but not with the hands mentioned by op. And the JTs type hands are barely above breakeven, but I think you can make a case for them as implied odds hands. AQo and AJo actually have reverse implied odds, so they aren’t very illustrative in this scenario imo. I actually think their prospects are even worse than the math would imply because they are frequently coolered for large pots.
I think you actually have to use JJ or 1010 to make it work. Hands that are clear losers heads up but become profitable when there are multiple opponents in. I assume this will strictly be for sets that aren’t undersetted that much and overpairs. I got above 20% for both hands 5 ways with the ranges you assigned.
The idea does work but not with the hands mentioned by op. And the JTs type hands are barely above breakeven, but I think you can make a case for them as implied odds hands. AQo and AJo
YEA, sorry. I couldn't remember the hands, my example was wrong.
Slim, wouldn't this work better with the theory of 98 suited etc.? Two paints against the old lady has negative equity, you're hoping for AK vs QQ basically. Or set mine on 9s and up and hope to fade a straight and flush draw with the rest of the table. I think your example of 6 or 7 way action it makes more sense to limp and jam the flop if you hit (assuming you insist on not folding pre flop).