K9ss big pot.

K9ss big pot.

Very passive 4/8 game.

4 limps to hero OTB with K9ss who raises. Blinds call, limpers call. 7 players.

Flop QQT with one spade. Checks to hero who bets with plan of checking turn UI. 2 folds 4 callers.

Turn 4s. Checks to hero who bets. 2 folds, 2 callers.

One caller is an unsure unknown, other is an older lady who chases and folds river.

Turn Ad. After watching older lady am 95% sure she is folding. Hero bets.

In big pots I always remember the advice in SSHE saying basically in big pots do whatever you can to win. In this case I think the only close decision was the flop bet, but with a gutshot and backdoor flush draw I bet. Without both I would have checked.


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24 February 2025 at 05:09 PM

8 Replies

I’d check the flop with a backdoor flush draw and gut shot on a paired board with 7 players.

As played I’d bet the river expecting to lose a significant amount of the time. It’s unlikely you’ll win checking.

both flop and turn seem kind of thin. yeah you can give yourself a different way to win on the turn but against four players I just check.

on the river once it’s down to two opponents on a board where we will have a million strong hands this seems like a decent bluff candidate, although even then holding spades is not great.

I will say adding onto the flop I think that it wouldn’t necessarily be crazy to bet it, but I do think that in general it just puts us in so many more tricky situations when we get x/r and the value to having last position where we raised pf somewhat comes in being able to check back on these sorts of flops. I almost want to have a stronger draw or a weaker draw here. The stronger draws are just plain bets for value against the field and the weaker draws work more safely as a bluff. Perhaps K9 without the flush draw would actually be a better bet here in my thinking than with it.

Maybe I’m completely wrong about that but that’s my gut reaction to this hand.

I’m fine with the flop bet especially against people who wait for the turn. But I’d check back turn here do as to realize equity cheaply. Bet river either way

I found this hand interesting because many of the decisions (in my mind) were close. Just calling pre wouldn't be a big mistake, don't think K8s is a raise. Flop and turn could go either way although it seems the prevailing sentiment would be checking at least one of those streets. As played river is an obvious bet.

As it played out, older lady folded immediately, unsure unknown thought for at least 30 seconds before calling with KTo.

In a super passive game the pre flop raise likely gets you a 4 card flop, I think this was a good spot to take it.

I bet the turn to try to fold out some of the players and improve my equity.

Have to bluff the river here I think.

by ninefingershuffle k

I’m fine with the flop bet especially against people who wait for the turn. But I’d check back turn here do as to realize equity cheaply. Bet river either way


flop is fine, checking would be fine too

betting turn really really really bad, worse hands never fold and you get CRd frequently and have to call

as played yeah bet river and get her to fold small pairs or tx.
