Begginer Looking for Advice on Turn Decision

Begginer Looking for Advice on Turn Decision

I am pretty new to poker and was unsure whether I played this hand poorly. I would appreciate some advice, especially on my turn decision.

Playing 6 handed online 200BB effective and CO opens to 2.5BB, I call on BTN with 3h, 3c and it folds to BB who 3-bets small to 8BB (pot 24BB). The BB is agressive and likes to bluff.

CO calls, and I call.

Flop comes 4d, 9d, 3s

BB C-bets 16BB, the CO folds and I decide to raise to 54BB - my thought process here is that villian is clearly representing a strong hand like an overpair or nut flush draw so I should raise and get the money in as quickly as possible - BB calls

Turn comes 4s and BB checks - I am not super sure what to do here becuase now if villian has a flush draw I dont want to go all in and potentially fold out those hands and all the strong pocket pairs will probably be calling a jam on river so I check behind.

The river comes 4c and BB jams. My full house is now shite but I still beat all villans missed flush draws that get here. I fold, but idk if I played this hand correctly, especially my turn decision to check, how much of villians range is flush draws on the turn and does that justify checking behind to let them catch up? Also if a chunk of villians range is missed flush draws on the river, should I be bluff catching here or is too much of his range value?

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06 March 2025 at 11:07 PM

2 Replies

at first glance i would call, but do u think bb 3 bets with suited connectors?

or they got some over pairs?

thinking again your full house is no good anymore too not really a good price to call I guess good fold

Preflop is a fold, especially if you have an agressive player in the blinds.
On the turn you have a very strong hand, just bet. If I'm not mistaken the pot is ~132BB and you have a pot size bet left. Just bet 40BB to setup a river shove villain will have a hard time folding. Don't range your opponent on specifically 1 type of hands (flush draws). Even if you are sure they have a flush draw, you want to bet because if they miss the river they won't put any more penny into the pot.
