Too clever by half. ATo BB to a raise

Too clever by half. ATo BB to a raise

4/8 game, V is a younger guy who I have never seen before. Short time playing, seemed aggressive TAG with LAGish tendencies.

I am in the BB with ATo. Drooler limps, V raises, 2 cold calls to SB who folds, getting 8:1 I decide to see the flop and call. Drooler also calls. Less callers here I muck. 5 to the flop, 5 BB.

Flop is A94r. I decide to checkraise but drooler surprises me by donking, V raises, folds to me. I consider my options oop with TPGK, how the next two streets could play out, and reluctantly muck.

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11 March 2025 at 02:52 PM

9 Replies

Can't see how you could ever fold ATo pre in BB for one more bet regardless of players.

As for the flop decision, am tempted to say it's either a fold or a 3 bet. Neither is overly palatable.

I would not even consider folding PF. ATo is exponentially stronger than A9o and you will often flop something worth continuing with.

Flop is an easy fold. This is a bone-dry flop and you are facing a raise from the PF raiser, who has all of the better Ax hands and very few worse Ax hands. I know it's unsatisfying to fold top pair but you probably have 3 outs tops.

Want clarify my PF fold comment, heads up I am defending obviously.

3 and 4 way doesn't seem enough in pre to call and hope for a big flop. So often dominated. Apparently I need to reevaluate this.

by killians3 k

Want clarify my PF fold comment, heads up I am defending obviously.

3 and 4 way doesn't seem enough in pre to call and hope for a big flop. So often dominated. Apparently I need to reevaluate this.

You are definitely going to be dominated sometimes, but you can flop TPTK and will often be able to continue even if you do not. The concern you describe is much more acute for hands like QTo or KJo, though I would probably still call pre flop with those hands getting 7:1 or better.

folding pre would be atrocious no matter how many players

id fold the flop because you arent closing the action and are probably beat.

Folding BTF is terrible. You may have the best or only Ace and you can also make the nut straight.

I wouldn’t fold on the flop for two bets especially against unknowns. Limper can have anything from middle pair to a weaker Ace. Villain could be overplaying a big pocket pair or a weaker suited Ace. Of course you can also being be drawing very thin if limper flopped a set and villain has a bigger Ace.

I would reevaluate on the turn and river based on the action.

Ok so my PF is still too tight out of the blinds when raised. A9o here is a fold?

I posted this hand for the PF and the calling 2 on the flop advice.

Drooler called raise, Turn was checked around. Drooler bets river, V reluctantly calls and mucks when drooler tables a weak ace.

Sounds like V plays worse than drooler. Unfortunately, to play this hand correctly you need to know if V is someone capable of doing something as stupid as raising this flop with something weaker than a pair of aces.

by chillrob k

Sounds like V plays worse than drooler. Unfortunately, to play this hand correctly you need to know if V is someone capable of doing something as stupid as raising this flop with something weaker than a pair of aces.

yea after a couple more hours and racks in the middle from both it was a close race. Turned out V was pretty much full LAGTard after a few more orbits playing with him.
