3 people limp, CO raise, btn call, sb call, i call bb Q6s, everyone calls
flop 98x giving me a flush draw. i screw up and check (should have donked) everyone checks
turn 7 giving me the flush. sb is an aggro asian lady who leads out.
call or raise?
5 Replies
3 people limp, CO raise, btn call, sb call, i call bb Q6s, everyone calls
flop 98x giving me a flush draw. i screw up and check (should have donked) everyone checks
turn 7 giving me the flush. sb is an aggro asian lady who leads out.
call or raise?
I would raise. I think there are plenty of hands that will call 2 cold (ace of trump, straights, potentially Tx) and the pot is big enough that I would rather fight for it.
Agree with donking the flop.
Eh I’d rather invite people in and realize my equity
I didn’t see we made the flush - easy raise
Raise. Some players will think that your raise is a sign of weakness and will call with straight draws, flush draws, and two pairs.