Do you raise any turns?
TAG SB opens and the TAG BB just calls with Ah4h. The SB bets the turn often but will check some scary turns.
2s4d7c...SB Bets and the BB calls. Do you prefer raising this flop?
2s4d7cJd...SB bets. Are you just calling down here if you are the BB or might you find a raise? The SB will call down Ace high if he thinks you are on a draw.
4 Replies
I'd call this one down on all streets unimproved. It's a good flop for the preflop aggressor so delaying aggression until the turn makes logical sense. The Jd isn't one I'd put more money in on though - maybe an A, 7, or 4 is worth a raise. If you have a read on your opponent def go with that, otherwise just calling here seems prudent.
I agree with just calling 3x. The real question is what cards we should value bet (and not value bet) on the river when it’s checked to us.
i 3bet this BvB almost always, A4s plays very well especially in position.
As played i def look for a raise postflop if i pre we just call. The flop seems like a good candidate, the turn i still sometimes pop, this is bvb.
Overall always calling just down here seems too weak.
If you do raise turns, is it more for value or for equity denial? Jd isn't really a great turn raise for either, as very few rivers improve SBs equity and there aren't enough draws for you to have that he'd call you down light.
So yeah I usually just call down here. I'd only raise turns as a FSDR to check back ui and bet aces and 4s. Otherwise I don't think you're quite strong enough for 4 streets of value.