Highstakes NLHE Pro Looking for LHE Pre-flop Charts
Hey Guys,
New to LHE, looking for some good pre-flop charts ideally GTO solved charts if they exist?
Does anyone know any of the best LHE players I can potentially get coached by?
Thanks in Advance!
3 Replies
I would not go by the charts in those sklansky books, they're incredibly outdated and advocate an embarrassing amount of cold calling.
The stox charts are good - not solver generated but made up from an adequately large sample of simulations. My current opening ranges in most games are just a small adjustment from the stox charts, which is surprising given how old the book is.
The Stox book took me from pathetic trashreg to mid-stakes crusher overnight. Everything just clicked. The Stox book was god-tier in 2008.
The Stox book sucks donkey balls today. I mean you will win at live poker, and possibly even win a lot if you are talented. But you're never going to be that guy who can just sit in any lineup confidently. And you will also likely bore people to death.
The Stox book took me from pathetic trashreg to mid-stakes crusher overnight. Everything just clicked. The Stox book was god-tier in 2008.
The Stox book sucks donkey balls today. I mean you will win at live poker, and possibly even win a lot if you are talented. But you're never going to be that guy who can just sit in any lineup confidently. And you will also likely bore people to death.
How did you arrive at your current pre flop strategy? Is this from solver work? Did you just figure it out from years of playing?