Bay 101 20/40 - "When Overcards Flop"
Gambly asian guy who plays way too many hands but seems to have a clue postflop open limps the HJ and I raise the CO with black KK. My image is LAG and winning. Blinds fold, HJ calls, HU.
Flop A72tt, I have a BDFD. HJ checks, I check back. HJ says "you play too good for me" and bets dark.
Turn 8r. I call the dark bet.
River Ar. HJ waits for the card to hit before betting this time. I call.
13 Replies
Have you heard him make a speech before? He would have to be really quick to make that comment and then be bluffing.
I had been playing for maybe 2 hours and specifically checked the flop to induce him to do something spazzy, so I don't think I can fold. I certainly didn't expect to win.
What would your standard line be here if it wasn't someone you thought might do something spazzy?
I would normally just bet the flop, but I'm going to be C-betting almost every flop in position heads up.
What would your standard line be here if it wasn't someone you thought might do something spazzy?
I would normally just bet the flop, but I'm going to be C-betting almost every flop in position heads up.
My default if I am HU in position is to bet the flop, check back the turn, and then decide what to do on the river. I think the computer says to call pretty much every river and VB if checked to, but I will exploitatively deviate from those defaults sometimes.
Until you've established a pattern to read verbal tells, it's best to just ignore them and play the hand as you otherwise would. If your plan was to check back to induce, you've done that and folding doesn't make any sense. I'd prefer to just bet flop and take it from there.
If I had to read the tea leaves, I'd say that villain has something better than top pair, like 22 or A2.
Until you've established a pattern to read verbal tells, it's best to just ignore them and play the hand as you otherwise would. If your plan was to check back to induce, you've done that and folding doesn't make any sense. I'd prefer to just bet flop and take it from there.
If I had to read the tea leaves, I'd say that villain has something better than top pair, like 22 or A2.
For me it wasn't just the verbal tell, but also the very quick dark bet. Hard to tell from a written description, but it seems like he really had planned to check raise the flop.
what is your plan if you check flop, he checks brick turn, you bet, and he CR's? asians love that line. i still dont know what an appropriate range is to respond to it esp in a small pot.
maybe you check behind turn too?
I just always bet this flop. Definitely respect your line but I’m always betting an ace hi flop heads up with atc
I just always bet this flop. Definitely respect your line but I’m always betting an ace hi flop heads up with atc
I am almost always as well, and I might do so at game speed, but with this specific hand and flop, you are always WA/WB. Either you're drawing to two outs or your opponent is.
It may be better to give him another chance to pick up something to call you with on the turn, either a pair or a draw that he won't have the right odds to chase. He also could gain more confidence about his pair of 7s or pocket pair, or decide to bluff at the pot.
Turn 8r. I call the dark bet.
River Ar.
Unfamiliar with this terminology. Is "tt" two-toned and is "r" red (in 8r and Ar)?