Commerce 40 - Turn Spot

Commerce 40 - Turn Spot

The LJ open limps for the first time in several hours and the Hj over limps. I raise QJo in the CO, BB calls, and both limpers call.

Flop T92r. Checked to me, I bet, only the HJ calls.

Turn 6 putting up a flush draw. HJ donks. I consider raising and barreling off on most rivers.

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28 May 2024 at 11:14 PM

5 Replies

You're aiming at the "hates giving AK a free card" parts of his range, not the "beats AA" parts. Those are the weaker Tx and 9x, a fair portion of which you block with QJ: QT, JT, Q9, J9. Somewhat expensive to make a few combos of 98hh and the like fold on the river. So I lean toward just draw at it here and go nuts when we turn Ax/Kx heart/combo draws even though those are technically higher in our range.

I would call and fold if I don’t improve.

I think it’s unlikely a Nine or Ten will fold if you’re viewed as LAG.

It potentially becomes interesting on the river if you call the turn and villain checks the river and you don’t improve.

Absent some proof he can fold pairs, I would just call.

Ok thanks. For what it’s worth, I ultimately did call the turn - I just was talking with a friend about this hand and he suggested that a turn raise might have some merit.

It’s not a bad play at all but you have to follow through on river. In my experience this is usually is a pair or pair that picked up flush draw that isn’t folding
