Which books should I keep and reread for my foray back to 40-80

Which books should I keep and reread for my foray back to 40-80

Will start at 4-8 to see how rusty I am after roughly a 8 year layoff from 40-80 Commerce.

Also enjoy mixed games. Better at stud, lousy at plo.

Are any of my library still relevant? I have some others in a box somewhere. Open to buying new.

I presume now its all online with training subs?

Ignore the novel buried in there, was trying just to pull strategy. As you can see if you recognized the titles I'm old.


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08 June 2024 at 10:21 PM

5 Replies

None of those books will help you except MAYBE the old school Sklansky hold ‘em book and the red Small Stakes Hold ‘Em book for the limited purpose of getting you to think about poker again. Posters here will say Intelligent Poker Player by Newall is probably your best bet to get into thinking about LHE from a theory perspective. Winning in Tough Hold Em Games may have some limited use.

I don’t think any online training site have much LHE content. I think RIO has some but not a ton, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been a member. There may be some mixed game courses that address LHE but maybe not at the highest level.

Long way of saying that LHE was on the decline well before the solver era, so there aren’t really any good solver-based training materials because the reward structure isn’t there.

I found Winning in Tough Hold ‘Em Games a lot more useful and actionable than The Intelligent Poker Player, but I haven’t read either in years. Honestly I would just go play some 8/16 and get your bearings again - I think you’ll find that you remember how to play pretty quickly.

I'm in same boat, but Small Stakes Holdem starting hands seems insanely loose, and Winning in Tough Holdem games seems too tight (though haven't actually reread it, just skimmed so far).

Grapes of Wrath

by DesertCat k

I'm in same boat, but Small Stakes Holdem starting hands seems insanely loose, and Winning in Tough Holdem games seems too tight (though haven't actually reread it, just skimmed so far).

It's very loose because it assumes you are playing with lots of loose passive players. That's very unlikely to happen in a higher stakes game, but if it actually does happen then those starting ranges would be fine.
