Pocket Aces on the button

Pocket Aces on the button

Eight handed game at the Commerce @ 8 AM. Villian and I just began playing.

I have long history with him. He’s a smart thinking fellow and is capable of playing very well but he’s loose, aggressive, and bluffs more than most.

I open raise with red pocket Aces on the button and he calls from SB. BB folds.

Flop comes 8 9 10 with two spades. He bets and I call. Raising perhaps might have been a better option.

Turn 6 8 9 10 no flush. He bets.

What’s my best play?

He’s loose and perceives me as having a tight image.

10 June 2024 at 01:32 AM

9 Replies

Call down can’t be that bad. I certainly wouldn’t raise.

He should have exactly a zero call range pre here.

Call turn for sure and probably call river but you can raise depending

Call down. It would be nice to understand his cc range more and see what part of theory he understand. IT hard for people to play a mix strategy Live so when he does check to you on this flop you can cbet more than theory.

I'd raise flop. Sure, villain can have QJ or maybe T9, T8, or 76s, but his range mostly comprises spade draws, combo draws, and, based upon your read, other random crap. He shouldn't really ever have a set here.

by ninefingershuffle k

He should have exactly a zero call range pre here.

Why should sb have "exactly a zero call range pre"? A cold calling range in the sb vs button is certainly fine. Plenty of cold-calling hands in a 3-handed GTO solution.

I don't have a cold-calling range from the SB against a button open, but this is not the sort of thing that will immediately make me think someone is an idiot, particularly if OP has a lot of history with him and thinks he plays reasonably well.

I strongly prefer calling flop. The turn is going to have a huge effect on your equity and he should lead most turn cards (if not every turn card), and I am going to be calling this donk bet with a very wide range, so I think calling the flop and raising safe turn cards (not this turn card) is the play.

As played, I would call down and not raise any river card if he continues betting. I would value bet some rivers if he checks but check many rivers back.

by hardinthepaint k

I'd raise flop. Sure, villain can have QJ or maybe T9, T8, or 76s, but his range mostly comprises spade draws, combo draws, and, based upon your read, other random crap. He shouldn't really ever have a set here.

we get more value on turn delay raising and on these more bad turns he will perceive fold equity and go for it with random garbage that is practically drawing dead.

Yeah, I mean in theory we're mostly calling both flop and turn here, so it's just question of how to best exploit our loose, aggressive, bluffy villain. I'm not committed to raising flop being the best way to do it, but when we raise flop we often get 3b by all kinds of stuff and can then just call and proceed accordingly, or get spicy and even 4b, and often win an extra BB or more, preserving the option to raise turn if we want to do so. I much prefer to intentionally delay for value on dry, static boards.

AA and sometime KK depend are best use to wait and pop. the reason why is you block A or K so it unlikely to appear and so it less likely that they would have to donk check. Unlike QQ or JJ those cards will kill some action or you can't really raise when they cbet an A or K.
