Top set JJ
Raise utg 8handed with JhJd. Utg+1 3bets, bb calls, I call. bb has been in for one orbit and hasn’t played a hand yet.
Flop J89ss 4.5BB
bb bets, I call, utg+1 calls
Turn J89 6h 6BB
bb bets, I raise, utg+1 takes two to the face, bb 3bets, I 4bet, fold, bb calls. I’m pretty sure the 4bet counts as a cap
River J896ss As 16BB
bb checks, I bet
5 Replies
I cap pre and I raise the flop. I really don’t like flop slowplay here, rest seems fine
I prefer raising the flop on a very wet board because assuming we have the best hand there are too many turn cards which will kill the action. With the turn probably being capped I wouldn’t be surprised if the BB flopped a straight and is afraid you have a flush.
On the flop I was hoping pf 3bettor would raise the flop so I could back raise, but probably better to just raise tbh.
But yeah with it being 3ways preflop cap seems mandatory looking back.
Slamdunk cap pre and I think a very clear raise on the flop. As played, his turn 3-bet is very, very strong both because (a) he has to beat two ranges here; and (b) your raise is so obviously a delayed value hand since the 6h could not have helped you. You probably know villain better than us, but I would be very surprised to see villain with a brain 3-betting a draw here, and some people won't even 3b a smaller set. And if we're not being results oriented, I think it's pretty unlikely that a 4b is going to drive out the third player, although we know in hindsight that it did.
That said, we obviously have the third nuts here. I think it's kind of close between raising now versus calling and popping paired boards on the river.
I definitely cap here pre flop.
I would start by raising the flop. The PF 3bettor has a ton of hands that will not want to raise and a call-back raise line will look stupidly strong even if you pull it off. If BB bets/3bets I then think there is some merit in waiting until the turn to raise again, but flatting flop to raise turn is just not good on this texture.
I'm fine with the 4bet with a third player in, particularly since it caps the betting. Villain has 12 combos of QT, 6 combos of 88, and 6 combos of 99. There is also real value in either forcing the third player out or getting him to put in 2 more bets with a drawing hand. If villain continues to lead the river, I would not raise unless the board pairs.