

I open QJss in the HJ, good thinking lag three bets CO, button cold calls, bb cold calls, I four bet (not a cap), all call.

Flop is Jh9s6h

I bet all call.

Turn is 9h

I bet only lag calls

River is 2h

I bet

) 3 Views 3
11 February 2025 at 02:17 PM

10 Replies

Yah, I'd bet and plan on losing a lot. But if I knew villain, I'd be asking if villain ever folds a hand like AJ here, if villain ever finds a bluff raise, and whether villain can ever be induced to bluff by checking.

If you are bluffing this hand you are bluffing way too much. I would bet only if I thought it would induce a bluff. Otherwise, I think I'm happy to check and try to soul read (but probably call) if he bets.

Well, it's not really a bluff, but some people will overfold the river so much that I think you get some added ev from making some better hands fold.

The pot is so large that villain should really only be folding his no-pair hands, which allows us to bet quite wide and get paid off by worse pairs and maybe even some AK.

If you're betting this river, it's certainly not as a bluff. No one is going to fold a better hand here.

It’s definitely a bluff

Oh, I just noticed there are 4 hearts after the river.
I'm guessing the other guys who replied didn't notice that either.

I still think that a bluff is awfully ambitious here though. You're still targeting a very narrow range. What hands do you think he could have here, and which ones might he fold?

I read the board correctly and stand by my posts.

by hardinthepaint k

I read the board correctly and stand by my posts.

You really think that small pairs or even AK with no heart may call this river? And that they should be calling? I can't imagine those hands even calling the turn, unless OP has a maniac image.

I'm thinking now that I just hate this river bet, either for value or as a bluff.
I think I agree work asmitty, although I would never be in this exact spot so it's tough to say.

The pot is huge for a heads-up pot. When we bet the river, villain is getting 13:1. If villain is not calling super wide, we're just printing by betting.

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by hardinthepaint k

The pot is huge for a heads-up pot. When we bet the river, villain is getting 13:1. If villain is not calling super wide, we're just printing by betting.

It seems very rare that we would get to this spot with no showdown value though. Personally I never would, as I've never 4 bet preflop with Q high.
