Four cards to a flush on the turn

Four cards to a flush on the turn


I’m playing with mostly unknown players. My image probably isn’t very good. I’ve been card dead and haven’t played many hands in 2-3 hours and am down a rack. I’m the oldest player at the table despite being in my mid sixties.

I open on the button with QTcs.

Big blind calls. He’s Asian, probably in his 30’s, appears to be skillful but I’ve never played with him before. He hasn’t been overly active.

Flop comes 7h 8h Th.

Check, bet, he calls.

Turn 3h 7h 8h Th.

He bets.

What’s my best play? I can make a case for folding, calling, or raising.

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01 March 2025 at 04:23 PM

10 Replies

I mean it’s bb vs button unless you have a great read I would call at least once and then soul read river if he bets again.

I mean what is he saying with this bet? “I had a strong heart but I didn’t raise the flop on a board that favors my range over your range”? Seems weird.

Raising as a bluff I guess makes some sense but it’s pretty risky.

I would probably call 2x expecting to lose. Raising seems pointless - he’s not folding a heart and I’d rather he keep bluffing if he does have some stupid airball hand.

If you don't have a read that he is tricky capable and for the specific pot size and board and heads up I check fold the turn.

by Gadflier2 k

If you don't have a read that he is tricky capable and for the specific pot size and board and heads up I check fold the turn.

Normally I agree but in my experience four flush boards are far overbluffed. Also OP is in position not OOP so he can’t check/fold turn

by bruce k

I’m the oldest player at the table despite being in my mid sixties.


He bets the turn and I call.

Folding seems too weak especially without any history. Raising seems overly aggressive against an unknown. Against some weaker players who might fold if they don’t have a big heart raising has merits.

A blank comes on the river. (don’t remember exact card).

What are my optimal plays if he

a) checks
b) bets

by asmitty k

I would probably call 2x expecting to lose. Raising seems pointless - he’s not folding a heart and I’d rather he keep bluffing if he does have some stupid airball hand.

He's not folding a heart? So he leads out with Jack of hearts and gets check raised here and he is not folding? A raise here just looks so strong, looks like the ace!


He's not folding a heart? So he leads out with Jack of hearts and gets check raised here and he is not folding? A raise here just looks so strong, looks like the ace!

1. It’s not a checkraise because hero is in position.
2. Yes, if someone led out with a medium heart on a 4 flush board I expect them to call down. But it’s very rare that people donk medium 1-card flushes into the raiser on the turn. This tends to be either the Ax/Kx or some weird airball, and when you have a bluff catcher against a polarized range, it’s usually best to just call down.

by bruce k

He bets the turn and I call.

Folding seems too weak especially without any history. Raising seems overly aggressive against an unknown. Against some weaker players who might fold if they don’t have a big heart raising has merits.

A blank comes on the river. (don’t remember exact card).

What are my optimal plays if he

a) checks
b) bets

If he checks he’s either giving up and won’t call or he has you beat and he won’t fold. So I check.

If he bets I would just call off a blank as default unless I could get some amazing read off a speechplay.

What hands are we hoping he has here in the turn?
