The End of the TwoPlusTwo PokerCast
Hi Everyone:
Well, a little over ten years ago I, Mat Sklansky, and Steven McLoughlin, who was working with us at that time, had a lunch meeting with Adam Schwartz concerning what they would be allowed to say in terms of self promotion relative to their already popular poker podcast Rounders. Anyway, after just a few minutes an obvious solution occurred to me, and that was to bring their show into Two Plus Two and to make it the Two Plus Two Pokercast. Adam immediately agreed, all issues were resolved, and this site now had a poker podcast, and what a podcast it was.
In no time, with our hosts Mike Johnson and Adam Schwartz, the Two Plus Two PokerCast was easily the number one podcast of its type, and the number of people listening was huge, with the most listeners being the Howard Lederer show which occurred in September, 2012 where there were over 4 million downloads, incredible numbers for a show like ours.
Also, for those who occasionally ask this question, I quickly learned that Mike and Adam knew a lot more about how to do the PokerCast than I did, so it was rare for me to even talk to them about the direction of the show or who should be the guests, and virtually everyone who had any importance in poker, and this includes the latest WSOP champion to those who worked behind the scenes in the Internet poker business, made an appearance.
However, the great Mike Johnson retired in 2014, and Terrence Chan ably took his place as a co-host alongside Adam Schwartz. And the Two Plus Two PokerCast continued on without missing a beat.
Unfortunately, times have changed and the poker world has slowed down a great deal. Eric Holder's Justice Department, which was part of the Obama administration, did a great deal of damage to our industry and to our show when they shut down the major Internet poker sites in 2011. So that today I'm officially announcing the suspension of the Two Plus Two PokerCast.
Now suspension doesn't mean that it is over for good, it could come back some time in the future with the same hosts or different hosts. But it does mean that PokerCast show #499 will be our last show for now. I know that many of you, including those of us in Two Plus Two management, are highly disappointed to hear this, but all good things come to pass.
And finally, I want to thank those people who helped to make our PokerCast such a success for all these years. These include Mike Johnson, Adam Schwartz, Terrence Chan, James Bunner, Steven McLoughlin, Chuck Weinstock, David Sklansky, Mat Sklansky, Ross Henry, Steve Day, and all the loyal listeners we've had for all these years.
Best wishes,
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