View: Illegal HUDs on, Security Negligent

View: Illegal HUDs on, Security Negligent

In my opinion, many regulars (specifically those located in NV) are using HUDs on, against TOS and NV gaming law. Security lacks the ability or desire to police its own games. Nevada Gaming Laws are archaic and poorly enforced, creating a more unequal playing field. Regulation can have unintended consequences and poor outcomes.

Please write the NGC, as I have done to express your concerns that regulation and non-enforcement of rules may be causing a more unlevel playing field than ever:

Please do NOT turn this into a HUD vs no HUD debate. Many of the players I suspect of using a HUD are quite skilled and would win absent the use of the HUD. A HUD is a tool. Given two equally skilled players, the one with additional tools is likely to win more. I am upset that if I choose to not use the HUD (ie choose not cheat) I am at a disadvantage.


I have long suspected HUD usage from players on, which is non-compliance of rules and against Nevada Gaming Law.

I am a player located in NJ and used a HUD prior to the merger between WSOP NJ and WSOP NV. After the merger, my software was rendered unusable due to the removal of hand history collection. However, based upon my years of experience, I suspected that many players, specifically those located in Nevada, were using HUD technology. I felt this way because the players in question were generating precise and accurate reads on myself and others, despite playing many tables, and allegedly without the use of aiding software.

I recently learned of the existence of "Holdem Indicator", link: This commercially available software enables HUD usage on without the necessity of hand history collection. It is my strong belief, that players located in Nevada have been using this software for YEARS, and the security team has lacked the capability or turned a blind eye to this cheating.

One player in 2015, self-incriminated using this software on twitch, link: As far as I can see, this player received a warning, a slap on the wrist. It is only logical that other players, having witnessed this episode, were signaled that the downside penalty to HUD usage was minimal and empowered them to cheat.'s competitors have the means to detect third party software running on one's personal machine. For example, Pokerstars does not allow the usage of the common software "Pokerstove". I was negligent of this rule and opened the software while Pokerstars was running, I was immediately issued a warning via e-mail. could similarly ban the software "Holdem Indicator" during game-play and detect non-compliant usage. This would fix the current problem, however, players would come up with a new solution.

I am deeply saddened by the fact that regulated online poker in the USA was supposed to eliminate these sorts of obvious problems. It is important, that as online poker becomes regulated in the states, these sorts of problems can be sorted out at inception. I urge all my fellow 2+2 members located in the USA to take action, so we can ensure better outcomes as more States ponder the question of legalizing online poker.

12 December 2018 at 07:34 PM

1 Reply

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With all the scandals going on it’s criminal we are not allowed to ad least download hand history’s after a session. You think there are no boys or collusion you’re fooling yourself!
