Best cash game players on acr
My list ( in my experience no stats to back up)
Rich Hernandez
1 Reply
Granted, I just got back online after a break for a few years and doing my best to rapidly catch up on things, but I highly doubt this. He is everywhere, I'll give you that, but I've gotten in the habit of Googling player names when SharkScope provides little. He rarely plays MTT and is a loser there. What I find searching is only one forum post he made in Spanish back in 2020 where he expressed that he "was a pro" but was "stuck" and "feeling confused," and had intent to start a public diary of sorts to get help with his play; he never followed up with that plan/idea and there's zero evidence of him anywhere else outside of others' posted hand histories.
After 400+ hands at the tables with him, I started thinking he never works on his game and has fallen into a trap grinding penny tables the same way he always has. Since he's still grinding $2NL and $5NL after his 2020 post, I presume I'm correct. His stats after those 400+ hands:
VPIP 16.4
PFR 15
AF 1.3
3Bet 8.3%
Fold to 3Bet 40%
4Bet 33%
Cbet 91%
Fold to Cbet 12.5%
Flop AGG 54%
Turn AGG 11%
River AGG 29%
Call Flop 67%
Call Turn 58%
Call River 40%
WTSD 34%
W$SD 40%
My guess is this guy might grind 1BB/100. He's a weak tight calling station in disguise. If anything, I'd say he could probably be an example of how you'll never improve if all you do is play 12 penny tables at a time 12 hours daily.