Mikki Mase
I don't follow this thread, so not sure if it's been mentioned, but Mikki is going to be on a gambling show on January 19th on Discovery channel called Hustlers Gamblers Crooks.
I think each episode will feature 3 or so different stories from different people, so I think he is on the first episode for probably just a portion.
Not much promo out there for it yet, all I could find is this short clip.
can't believe there's influencers promoting this crook, calls himself a proffesional gambler and poker player and has lost on every hustler stream, there's allegations of him making money from pill mill's when pill mill's were popular. Just send him some money though he will make you rich.
I don't follow this thread, so not sure if it's been mentioned, but Mikki is going to be on a gambling show on January 19th on Discovery channel called Hustlers Gamblers Crooks.
I think each episode will feature 3 or so different stories from different people, so I think he is on the first episode for probably just a portion.
Not much promo out there for it yet, all I could find is this short clip.
Watching this now, I just don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
I have 2 more hours before it comes on here. lol
you're right, the blue balls you get from a strip club is more intense. i never understood going to a strip club instead of buying a chick a few drinks and actually getting to ****.
I dont know man, you think guys who look like a relative of the “hey you guys” guy from the Goonies have had any luck buying a chick a few drinks other than wasting an extra 100 bucks that night?
You will love Mikki's story of his high speed chase through Las Vegas when he had $4.5 million in back seat. I'm also fascinated with the algorithm he uses to beat baccarat.
lol, that may just get me to come in
I haven't got to the Mikki part yet, but the roulette story seemed a bit silly and the pool hustler I had never heard of unless I forgot, I used to hang around pool rooms a lot back in the day.
But the part where he says he gave the guy 9 to 4 in 1 pocket but they had racked up a 9 ball rack and shoot a ball in the side pocket. lol
Why can't any show talking about poker or gambling spend 2 minutes to get the scene right.
Yea, I guess CJ Wiley is pretty famous, I have been out of the game too long and forgot his name.
Yea, I guess CJ Wiley is pretty famous, I have been out of the game too long and forgot his name.
CJ Wiley was a top player back in the 1980's, 1990's and early 2,000's. He was one of the best high stakes money players in the country. Comes from a wealthy Dallas family, and at one time owned the biggest poolroom in Texas.
Guaranteed to be in rare form for this show. He knows he has a soft audience, and conners ramp it up in such spots.
mikki soft white underbelly interview
Thank god for comment section under that interview. It's a time saver to people like me who can't watch Mikki for more than 5min+ with a straight face.
he was at the daily 100-100 the other day at b
Thank god for comment section under that interview. It's a time saver to people like me who can't watch Mikki for more than 5min+ with a straight face.
Got the same video in my facebook feed (yea Im a boomer who still sometimes uses Facebook) and the comment section was complete lol, just full of praise and adoration. Granted, Im pretty sure 99% of facebook comments are positive spin bots, but I still was creeped out thinking that theres people out there who might believe what Mikki says.
Never opened this thread till now, after seeing him on some Discovery channel show. What a tool.
Thank god for comment section under that interview. It's a time saver to people like me who can't watch Mikki for more than 5min+ with a straight face.
The comment section under the Facebook post where I saw this was absolute cringe, clearly moderated out anything negative and a bunch of shill accounts about how amazing and …..handsome [emoji2961] he is
Why are people still paying attention to this Grifter. If it wasn't for this thread i would forget Mikki ever existed by the end of the month
If you didn't believe Mikki was broke be4, he is now entered the "Kick online illegal offshore casino crypto livestreaming gambling scam" genre lol resorting to stream & Scam young kids while getting them hooked gambling on games they have no chance at winning lol bravo Mikki bravo [emoji1787]
but according to Mikki even though all casinos cheat especially every online casino but this 1 is safe to gamble at and he's totally not making any money at all while sitting their streaming with fake cash trying to get kids to sign up thru his referral link
he's just gambling & streaming for the people, hes not doing it for fame, fortune & clout at all, he's not an influencer & he doesn't care about instagram & the internet at all,.. it's what the people wanted
Everything Mikki says is a lie, I think he really believes everything that comes out of his own mouth though it's quite astonishing
Does his 'system' work for online gambling too, I wonder?
If you didn't believe Mikki was broke be4, he is now entered the "Kick online illegal offshore casino crypto livestreaming gambling scam" genre lol resorting to stream & Scam young kids while getting them hooked gambling on games they have no chance at winning lol bravo Mikki bravo [emoji1787]
but according to Mikki even though all casinos cheat especially every online casino but this 1 is safe to gamble at and he's totally not making any money at all while sitting their streaming with fake cash
Wow what a disgusting person