Evidence of bot activity on WPN(ACR, PokerKing, BlackChip poker)
Below you can see the list of top50 winners on WPN in last 365 days according to smarthand website. You'll notice that some players are highlighted(21/50) and they all have remarkably similar stats, from VPIP, WWSF to obscure stats like same SB limping ranges. This is all publicly available data (for free) on smarthands.com so you can check it for yourself.
Their stats look like this VPIP30 PFR22 3B8 WWSF48 ISO24 SB LIPM6 CALL OR20 XR6.
Other stats correlate as well. They have somewhat unique style of having very wide cold calling ranges in every position. Pretty much all of them are from Russia or nearby countries. They won over 33k(in last 365) just form winnings on NL25 and they also play higher and there is lot of RB on WNP. I try to reach to them through the chat but they never responded, which further reinforces the hypothesis that these are bots.
Another possible explanation is that they are all part of same coaching/staking group, but i find it very improbable that 20 guys can correlate their strategy to such find degree even if they try it. Especially if we keep in mind that people have their natural tendencies, they can be titled, they will not devote equal time to learning ect.
Here is list of top 15 regs on PS just for comparison
I hope this post will get the attention of someone from WPN and they further investigate this case. I filed a complaint to their security team, but I have not yet received any response.
Also if anyone has any additional information/explanation of what's going on here feel free to comment.
3 Replies
I've been reading through posts about the botfarm, but I'm struggling to find solid evidence or proof of the bots on ACR. I play on ACR, so I want to learn more about the issue. What is the actual evidence that there is rampant botting on ACR that is going undetected?
Please don't attack this post, I just want to create an actual discussion about the evidence of botting on ACR.
You mean you are running a bot and need to know how to make it disguised?