IS it now ok go buy datamined hands?
that time of year again, with so many good huds now a days it feels a few of them are worth only if you datamine, so I wanna buy, but is it still not kosher?
link to old thread
People are already using Mass Data for coaching and other ****- so I don't see how this shouldn't be fine
For analysing how the pool plays: yes
For building a super hud: no
CFPs use it in one way or another. Most pros use this kind of data one way or another. Do we get an actual edge on specific players, assuming we´re using MDA to study population tendencies only, and not going on a player by player basis? I think we do. Is it cheating, at least in some sites like stars? Yes, it is very clear on their ToS as someone posted already.
My take is the same as using PEDs in sports. If the top players are using and you don´t, you´re just handicapping yourself, and making sure you'll never have an actual chance. Using it won´t save you either, since you´re just equalizing one aspect, you still have to be better, and also outwork them in the other aspects. It´s also a way to punish the "cheaters", as doing MDA, or using performance-enhancing drugs on sports, only gives you a meaningful advantage if you're one of the first. If everybody else does the same, the advantage is lost.
MDA could be (and usually is) from anonymous hands and is just information so even if you don't like it, it's a lost battle by now. If someone built a HUD where it shows a popup with MDA for the spot you're in, that seems like blatant RTA.
The main difference to me is that for a super hud you're using the data in combination with software while playing which should make it somewhat enforceable.
Regardless of what you think, unless poker rooms prove they are able to police the games, it is the only way for a player to detect cheating.
The GG scandal would had continue forever if datamined hands weren't available
Regardless of what you think, unless poker rooms prove they are able to police the games, it is the only way for a player to detect cheating.
The GG scandal would had continue forever if datamined hands weren't available
cant poker sites tell you have hands in your DB you didn't actually play ?
The pokersites are obviously selling hand histories for them to be available for sale. It's pretty hypocritical that they can sell them, but we can't buy them.
I can say this.
I don't use tracking software or a hud.
But I don't have a problem with y'all using them.
Its not some massive advantage that if I don't use, I
would start losing.
feels like theres a new cheating scandal every day of the week and we can't buy datamined hands? i dunno..