Misery Bounties
Seems both amusing yet unnecessarily cruel! This guy made 250k from second place finish which will have taken sting out of it but seems a rather pointless thing to do by WPT. Thoughts?
6 Replies
Making it the $000,000 was terrible. If you're gonna do it, at least just do it as $0...
I think that misery bounties are good for the game and that they should have the max quantity of zeroes as possible.
People can laugh and mock you and this creates table dynamics. The unlucky guy that pulls a misery bounty can even tilt and make a **** play afterwards. Which is very nice for everyone who is looking to win the tournament.
Let the fish explode in 1000 pieces.
Seems both amusing yet unnecessarily cruel! This guy made 250k from second place finish which will have taken sting out of it but seems a rather pointless thing to do by WPT. Thoughts?
Considering it was a freeroll, I do not have a problem with it. The whole point of the freeroll was fun and amusing.
Put in a better way, I know lots of people who would have loved to have the opportunity to draw the $000,000 misery bounty he drew.
There was only one bounty with an actual 00,000 on it, and it had already been drawn. So unless he wasnt paying attention, this guy knew.
But the point still stands, just seems unnecessary. Put a big BAM! on it, or something evil without the slowroll for real amounts of money.
just call up Wayne Brady and make it like lets make a deal imo