Lawyer and High Stakes Poker Player Tom Goldstein Indicted for Tax Fraud
Tom Goldstein, a high profile attorney, is also a long time high-stakes poker player. On January 16th, he was indicted for tax evasion related to a failure to adequately report gambling winnings. The indictment details a number of ultra high stakes games in Asia, Dallas and Beverly Hills as well as Goldstein's coaching by two unnamed professional poker players.
6 Replies
SCOTUSBLOG founder, also didn’t berkey say the guy on HCL was another VIP
Also reading the indictment is pretty crazy, winning 50 mil heads up against Macau whales and others then somehow blowing it and having to embezzle his law firm, bringing duffles of cash back from Paul Phua…
Wait, “Tom” from the HCL game isn’t actually BerriSweet?? Noooo. Thought chat had it on that one for sure.
I think the announcers also said he was a Portuguese businessman. Goldstein doesn’t sound like a very Portuguese last name to me.
Didn't that guy from the HCL game play like an absolute whale? and somehow he won millions in private matches?