Any good poker documentaries?
Are there any videos that are sort of 'poker stories', or documentary type videos for entertainment.
I saw 'road to robusto', and was just wondering if anyone can recommend any other videos. I'm on Deuces Cracked, but couldn't see anything.
(I left this message on Deuces Cracked, with the response I got, I may as well have just wrote it on a piece of paper and thrown it on my kitchen floor.) 2+2 kicks it's ass for forum chat.
9 Replies
Sorry for the late reply, OP:
To Be Determined: The Rise and Fall of the Poker Dream
Bet Raise Fold is now free on youtube
it was made some by 2p2 regs
here is the AMA
i thought it was good, but it lacks structure and pacing, there's no story being told, not even a general theme or narrative - which really feels like a missed opportunity because they were literally filming poker players as they experienced black friday
legit considering getting in touch with krantz and seeing if he still has all the original footage and giving a crack at recutting it
To Be Determined: The Rise and Fall of the Poker Dream
Thank you. This will be my evening watch over dinner.
To Be Determined: The Rise and Fall of the Poker Dream
This is a decent watch. Props to the film makers. Very well shot and edited.
Not sure if this was posted already but this channel has a lot of poker documentaries
Not a poker documentary, but Inside the Edge is an entertaining movie about professional blackjack.
The embedded video doesn't seem to be playing for some reason, but if you search for Inside the Edge on YouTube the full movie is there for free.
Not a poker documentary, but Inside the Edge is an entertaining movie about professional blackjack.
The embedded video doesn't seem to be playing for some reason, but if you search for Inside the Edge on YouTube the full movie is there for free.
don't embed the first part
i'll watch it but the few things about blackjack on youtube i've shared to the former bj team people here have not passed the sniff test so this one could be as well
only embed this
you're welcome america
Thanks Rickroll!
Yeah I hesitated to call it a documentary, because parts seem pretty suspect. It's still entertaining though.
Not sure how far in you got, but there are scenes with him wearing disguises to sneak in and play blackjack. He gets aggressively backed off by security multiple times. It might be staged, but it looks like it could be real and it's pretty dramatic.