Botfarm won $10 Million on WPN
Monitoring the development and profitability of poker bots has become an increasingly challenging task.
Below are my findings related to the bots identified on the Winning Poker Network (WPN).
Botfarm Total Multi-Table Tournament (MTT) Graph:
Botfarm 2023 Year MTT Results:
Botfarm Cash Games NL400+ Since April 1, 2023:
The issue of bot proliferation has been recognized for at least 3.5 years, as discussed in this Botfarm forum thread.
Despite submitting comprehensive reports to the WPN, which unfortunately went unanswered from their security team, I harbor no illusions that they will address the problem. The security service has let down the player community. Therefore, I am reaching out to poker schools, funds, and independent players.
I urge you to examine the hands played by these bots in cash games and MTTs this year, analyze their strategies in training sessions, and actively combat them at the tables. In many games, they constitute a significant portion of the player field, ranging from 5% to 15%. - MTT Hands - Cash Hands
Here are the aliases for Hand2Note 3 that I have compiled. However, I encourage you to verify and draw your own conclusions. - Aliases
Currently, Botfarm evolve approximately every 3 months but still employ exploitative tactics, allowing to push back. Given their ability to create over 100+ new accounts per month, eradicating them requires multiple waves of blocking, not just a single sweep. This issue is not exclusive to WPN; evidence suggests that Ignition and GG Poker are already affected. While I lack data from all platforms, it is certain that they will infiltrate wherever there is a lucrative game.
In the end I would like to say that poker is a game of people with each other, not the machines. Interference by machines disrupts the essence of poker. If any room management believes that regular players can be replaced by machines - you are mistaken. In such a scenario, the game would inevitably dwindle or even cease to exist, reaching an untenable scale.
List of MTT Nicknames Part 1:
List of MTT Nicknames Part 2:
List of Cash NL400+ Nicknames:
others might say they've extracted $10mil from the tables.
even if you're profitable against them due to exploiting their exploits (i'm skeptical after adjusting for card sharing and rake) they're still fleecing fish 100x faster than you and reducing your winrate indirectly.
they'll also continue to evolve and become more dynamic making it harder to exploit them and easier for them to exploit you
have fun!
I'll make clear I'm only talking about the cash ones which weren't as profitable. 10 mill in MTTs is crazy
I think this is the sadly the answer I have evidence of gg doing the same gave it to them along with 20 other regs and nothing . I think the days of unregulated sites are over. limons actually kinda right as in if you play on these unregulated grey market sites now expect them.
Except limons dumb and said the same thing in a thread about a regulated site so... lol
I think this is the sadly the answer I have evidence of gg doing the same gave it to them along with 20 other regs and nothing . I think the days of unregulated sites are over. limons actually kinda right as in if you play on these unregulated grey market sites now expect them.
Except limons dumb and said the same thing in a thread about a regulated site so... lol
in CG or MTTs?
cg they are actually losing in mtts over a small sample probably from playing alot of aof which gg loves to push but its a game where you have little or no edge. Its important to note an operator probably does not want winning bots. They likely would aim for breakeven bots imo they win from rake already and its much easier to program a breakeven bot then a winning bot.
So using the "the bots suck and are not winning logic who cares" is very bad since they still take money from your fish and make you rake more per dollar won until you don't make any dollars. Even in these awful graphs they are almost breaking even after rakeback. Assuming they are site owned they dont even rake
Well, after a quick glance on the MTT list I saw some players listed that are 100% not a bot. The others do have a spewy/weird gameplay.
I wouldn't say it's bots necessaraly, maybe a stable or something like that. That's a serious accusation and needs to have serious receipts.
I'll make clear I'm only talking about the cash ones which weren't as profitable. 10 mill in MTTs is crazy
Over 1.4m entries... that's 21% ROI. I wouldn't say it's crazy but obv if it is indeed a botfarm any amount of money won is bigger than it should be.
TBH I am skeptical, but who knows?
One thing that is indeed suspicious is that a lot of those winning accounts have a big Early Finish% and a low Avg Field Beaten% on sharkscope
EDIT: I am looking through some hands on my DB and some plays i'm not sure if a human would play like that or if a bot would play like that lmao, so I'm leaning on a stable or something like that ATM
Thats true when you make a list this big your going to have a huge margin of error and not be taken that seriously. I would focus on a smaller amount your sure of
no. not at all. i honestly can't think of one reason for caring if people on gray market sites are playing against bots. i can't even think of a reason to care if they are being actively cheated. If I go play in a gray market live game hosted by a guy who operates in jurisdictions legally and illegally why on earth would anyone care if i played against a robot or was cheated? the ethics of the game host are obviously "fluid", i should know this going in.
Everyone else clearly does care so please respect it and stay out of the thread so it isn't derailed,
You have your own thread all about you just stick to that one
Ya that's another issue im more pro Russian then most but I would never play on a poker site that lets Russians on while we are in an active proxie war with them. Do we really expect them to not take every angle against us? They are already laundering money and breaking international sanctions to play on these sites so crossing a few more lines is w/e for them
Everyone else clearly does care so please respect it and stay out of the thread so it isn't derailed,
You have your own thread all about you just stick to that one
Yes. limon, you need to understand that letting cheating free will destroy poker totally. Going from grey to black. We want to save it as long as possible.
Yeah, why would anyone care of a group that likely has stolen between 10-20 mil. Especially on the biggest poker forum where the majority of the victims post.
Things aside if in any case any site rep of any kind read this hire Tyler. He is the undisputed no 1 when it comes to detecting bots and this is considered a fact in the entire highstakes community.
If I go play in a gray market live game hosted by a guy who operates in jurisdictions legally and illegally why on earth would anyone care if i played against a robot or was cheated?
Please help me decide which legal zone is better - the one that release Mike Postle, or the one that shuts down Full Tilt, or the one that just grab taxes and has no idea about the industry it is going to regulate?
Grey market is perfect for poker. The industry regulates itself very well. You observe iternal regulation right now.
I'm pretty sure that these bots belong to ACR, and a few months ago, these particular bots had a glitch. The glitch was that if it went check-check in a single raised pot, these bots would always shove on the turn for 1bb OOP, regardless of how deep they were. This glitch lasted a whole day, and then accounts that exploited this flaw were frozen. However, the bots that had this glitch could continue playing normally. Therefore, there are two possibilities: either these are, as I mentioned before, ACR bots, or the owner of these bots is tolerated on ACR."
I'm pretty sure that these bots belong to ACR, and a few months ago, these particular bots had a glitch. The glitch was that if it went check-check in a single raised pot, these bots would always shove on the turn for 1bb OOP, regardless of how deep they were. This glitch lasted a whole day, and then accounts that exploited this flaw were frozen. However, the bots that had this glitch could continue playing normally. Therefore, there are two possibilities: either these are, as I mentioned before
That's crazy if true. Can anyone else confirm?
As sad as it is, players need to realize there's no incentive for the rooms to clear things up, even if they got all the ways to do it.
Unless BOTs would hurt their bottom line, there is no incentive at all. What regs would do? Quit? Rooms don't care.
The only way to damage their bottom line is to spread the news in every place possible, targeting net depositors ie recs.
Yes, this will scare them away in the short-term, but it's the only way. This is the only threat rooms fear.
The answer is in Poker King......
Russian poker site....
Which is on WPN....
But not owned or operated by WPN.....
Look into Poker King.....
And you'll find what you're looking for....
we were quite sure that something is happening, when you play on pokerking skin. and after that ggpoker equity hack last week i was 100% sure that same stuff is happening on ACR skin pokerking. hands there were not making much sense, doesnt matter if you get it in good, you somehow got coolored or sucked out.
this hand is from 3 days ago, from my friend playing pokerking. direct bubble, casually getting snapped called when 4Betting by russian. 2 from the money with KTs and winnning. suddenly KRIKROG is on the list of cheaters. shocking.
Took a look at few of the cash screennames I recognised and they all have identical stats, only exception was maybe VV00dpeKer
Can I ask a Normie question? How do you know these accounts are bots and/or are linked together? Compared to say a human using RTA etc? What are the signs you found?
best if he doesnt go public with how he does it, so actions cant be taken against it from the coders / users side, pretty sure its not just "check fast oop"
no. not at all. i honestly can't think of one reason for caring if people on gray market sites are playing against bots. i can't even think of a reason to care if they are being actively cheated. If I go play in a gray market live game hosted by a guy who operates in jurisdictions legally and illegally why on earth would anyone care if i played against a robot or was cheated? the ethics of the game host are obviously "fluid", i should know this going in.
****ing idiot. Nobody cares to hear your brain dead takes in online poker topics.
pretty gross. tbh im probably more upset than I should be. feel like I've been trying to make this poker for a living thing work out and to feel like I'm probably getting robbed on the daily and it's keeping me from going full time is infuriating. probably this isn't the case but it sure feels like it right now. Thanks to OP for showing us this data.
Can I ask a Normie question? How do you know these accounts are bots and/or are linked together? Compared to say a human using RTA etc? What are the signs you found?
Im avoid to explain that myself, so I upload their hands. Prefer decentralized explanations from other players, to not have a single point of faliure for them to understande where did they screw up. Maybe 2-5 days past, some coach or player familiar with trackers will research and public some video or post with explanation, hope for that.
These accusations have been documented last year about the mtt bot farm
Nothing happens...
Cash games have been riddled for years. Players like 2btcorned come and then go. Then another comes on the scene.
We as the players have the power.
I propose we change the landscape of how online poker is played
These accusations have been documented last year about the mtt bot farm
Nothing happens...
Cash games have been riddled for years. Players like 2btcorned come and then go. Then another comes on the scene.
We as the players have the power.
I propose we change the landscape of how online poker is played
what i dont get is the greed.
ACR prints money , Nagy and all its ambassadors can eat well if they ran a clean site and kept bots from being a thing , but they choose to partner with the bots.
I don't get the greed.