This has been requested in the past, and now it's here! As regular NVG users know, questions about moderator actions are usually told to PM the mod or post in ATF. Now, there's a third option - this thread. You can still PM the mod or start an ATF thread if you don't like the response/decision you received.
This thread is not for mod bashing, trolling, flaming, or general idiocy. But if you have a question about why X disappeared, or some other mod issue/action, fire away.
Edit/MH: A post of note, for consideration by all:
... For a variety of reasons NVG mods have been notoriously hesitant to perma-ban posters. I think there have been only a handful of cases in the past six years. And in each case I would say that the poster essentially banned himself by flagrantly posting in direct violation of recent mod messaging warning that a perma-ban would result.
But rest assured that NVG mods are committed to trying to maintain an enjoyable, informative, entertaining, and positive forum. Mods are part of and reflective of
I remember in 2009, around the time full tilt and poker stars shut down. I believe that Full tilt would pay up and get the money to their players. I was ridiculed and picked on relentlessly and I had no protection. Posters said they wanted to punch me and that I had no credibility and so forth. I am angry as far as not being protected. So in your eye's posters can threaten me and that is ok? I don't forget when I am being bullied. You guys allowed me to be bullied for years, and you don't
I was respondiong to your post here, not what happened to you 15 years ago that you didn't mention in that post. Kind of hard to comment on something you said nothing about.
And you're entirely missing the point. You were, once again, disparaging all mods. That would included dozens and dozens of mods you've never even interacted with, who spend time here volunteering and helping people out, and have done nothing to earn your scorn. And it's far from the first time you've done it. And why you chose this particular tiome to do it, I have no idea. You came into this thread on Christmas Eve to share how rude posters and strict mods have ruined the site. Thwn you come back a few weeks later, and randomly choose someone's post asking a question that had already been answered, and go off about mods again. I don't know what to tell you at this point - if the site is making you that miserable, maybe it's time to go elsewhere?
I don't know what to tell you at this point - if the site is making you that miserable, maybe it's time to go elsewhere?
I think that might be best.
Based on recent posting history it looks like there's not much besides complaining and negativity. It's not even the usual "everything was better before" but "everything was bad back then and it didn't get any better".