High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning*
Jason Koon talked about this a little on the lastest Poker Central podcast
33 minutes – What’s involved to bring High Stakes Poker back, and if he’s involved, how much is Jason Koon sitting down with?
Now we have a trailer.
Nick Schulman loves saying "go ahead ______" after that person wins a pot.
He has a ton of verbal crutches, and odd ways of trailing off. But I forgive him because he's working with an absolute moron who doesn't know hardly anything about poker, and has no comedic value.
Does Stanley think a flush is good here Nick?
- Does he think... Here we go... Maybe AJ... Uh... Here we go
He has a ton of verbal crutches, and odd ways of trailing off. But I forgive him because he's working with an absolute moron who doesn't know hardly anything about poker, and has no comedic value.
Does Stanley think a flush is good here Nick?
- Does he think... Here we go... Maybe AJ... Uh... Here we go
I like Nick and Ali together. They make a good team, FAR better than Norm and Lon! Nick is highly intelligent, knows poker front and back and is very articulate. Yes he can be a little glib at times and often dismissive of Ali, but that's just how they roll. All in good humor and yet they stick to the game, unlike some other commentators who like to talk about themselves and their minor poker accomplishments. Then there's the coms who want us to know all about the players idiosyncracies like what they like to eat and where their favorite restaurants are. Like who cares!
P.S. Ali knows poker a helluva lot better than Lon, not even close.
I like Nick and Ali together. They make a good team, FAR better than Norm and Lon! Nick is highly intelligent, knows poker front and back and is very articulate. Yes he can be a little glib at times and often dismissive of Ali, but that's just how they roll. All in good humor and yet they stick to the game, unlike some other commentators who like to talk about themselves and their minor poker accomplishments. Then there's the coms who want us to know all about the players idiosyncracies like wha
the poster was referring to AJ Benza not Ali Nejad - personally I prefer Nick & AJ to Nick & Ali although obviously Ali knows poker way more than AJ Benza
Pretty sure AJ just plays dumb at this point, seems to be his schtick
Yeah, AJ is there to load up the Tee
Sad to see the King of LA, who constantly screams to play bigger/buy in deeper, sit there with a povert-stack
That Jack river Adams/Robl was brutal, and this poor Gavri guy won like 0 hands, -2M or something
Not sure what got into Robl there at the end of Ep8 .. He had 2 overs and gutter. But there was a J9 strt and possible set .. but Charles rarely slow plays anything. So Robl's basically putting him on a set of 2s I guess .. not really sure. The rabbit hunt was brutal for sure as the gutter comes home.
Gavri was hard to watch, but that's what happens when play super tight as you are only involved with small wins or larger pots/coolers. GL
Looks like Robl's killing this game. Cash game monster! I notice he pays close attention to the pots he isn't in, looking for tells. Smart guy this Robl's.
Biggest pot in HSP history coming up in the new episode in a couple hours apparently. Hopefully its not chopped. Looks like its between Robl and the Indian casino owner from the preview at the end of the last episode. Looking forward to it.
Biggest pot in HSP history coming up in the new episode in a couple hours apparently. Hopefully its not chopped. Looks like its between Robl and the Indian casino owner from the preview at the end of the last episode. Looking forward to it.
Wow, Indian button mashing monkey goes from 0.6% to backdoor nut boat.
Poor Robl, poor poor Robl
I played with Laak a few years ago during the wsop. It was either 5/5/10 plo or 10/25 plo. he played for 3-4 hours, was quiet and basically played no hands. I can't remember if it was the 2019 wsop or 2021 but if he was deathly afraid of covid then it was probably 2019.
The 2019 World Series was 6 months before anybody had even heard of Covid.
I doubt Santhosh is cheating.
He owns multiple casinos and seems to have an unlimited bankroll.
His results speak for themselves https://highrollpoker.com/tracker/player...
Well given that Robbi had roughly 75 times the equity of Santosh, I think it merits discussion.
Furthermore, the curious spelling similarities between Robl and Robbi lends credence Garrett’s arguments.
What is Robl putting him on that will call off on the River? I guess at high stakes that Players don't always have the nuts .. even a big PP .. in that spot. Calling off that last 90k is probably a nothing in that spot. I just don't think there's enough value spots to put out 300K when you consider winning, losing and chops. GL
Thread went to complete AIDS very quickly.
The hand was cool imo
What is Robl putting him on that will call off on the River
I think he has to call, it was 90k to win 900k approx? If he always folds there without a King then surely thats exploitable. Santosh has done some weird things before and overvalued hands. It's not like he's not gonna win it back from him either. I do get what you are saying though that it seemed certain he was beaten, Robl knew it as well and just shrugged it off before calling.
What value did Robl think he was getting with that bet? Is a 4 folding, mid pair or A kicker calling?
What value did Robl think he was getting with that bet? Is a 4 folding, mid pair or A kicker calling?
Ahh yes, I mis-read the original question from answer20 my bad.
Santosh does call a lot on rivers even if he thinks he's beat. Surely he has QQ/JJ a lot and they might call. Does seem weak to check in Robl's shoes.
Robl has to call the additional 95K at the end getting 10/1, especially since Santosh can sometimes do some weird things and show up with some strange holdings from time to time. There are some chop possibilities as well.
I also think the river bet by Robl though is not optimal as I don't think he is getting paid off with less once the board double pairs the K, hitting Santosh's 3bet range more. And if he is going to do it, why leave the 95K behind for Santosh? Probably getting an all in called ever so slightly more, due to it looking a little more like a bluff to a player like Santosh, than the 300K bet, that it is probably worth putting him all in. If he is targeting mid to high pairs, then I would think a half to 2/3 pot bet would get more calls and leave him more room to lay it down to a reraise all in.
However, Robl is a cash game end boss, not me, so I digress.....
What value did Robl think he was getting with that bet? Is a 4 folding, mid pair or A kicker calling?
Polar ranges call for polar sizings. I’m no GTO expert, but I am pretty sure that’s a board where there are simply no small River bets—Robl has to go huge with either his bluffs of his value.
Polar ranges call for polar sizings. I’m no GTO expert, but I am pretty sure that’s a board where there are simply no small River bets—Robl has to go huge with either his bluffs of his value.
Yeah agreed. Santosh is a whale and he will usually have a bluff catcher given he 3b.
Robl did the same thing with Qs vs As on a 4 spade runout. He’s going for max value with 2nd nut and he just ran into it twice.