Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread)

Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread)

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03 January 2022 at 07:03 PM

141 Replies


Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

by texasauras k


How do you feel about the state of the room since the stake was purchased?

Seems like the place is always popping so I would assume the players are happy.

I was there for about 3 weeks recently.

The place just works and is about the best card-room I have ever been in.

Food choices are a problem, but you can order in and believe management are addressing the issue.

Austin itself is not especially popping, if you are over the age of 40 - I felt limited outside things to do, apart
from shop/maybe play golf. I was there out of baseball / rodeo season.

This place started really nice and the money was great everyone looked after each other, if there was an issue your voice was heard, we all moved across country for this job. Then this place blew up. And as it blew up so did the egos of Joe, Anthony, and the owner Jason. They take credit for the whole place blowing up when really they just got Doug Brad and Andrew to go in on it and that’s why it blew up cause their faces were behind it. But Joe has this god complex now and treats his dealers like scum unless you’re in his tight circle you better walk on eggshells cause you say the wrong thing or go against him or do something wrong and you’re either punished or targeted or fired. And there’s no talking to him, HR does not help at all they’re on their side too. We have nobody to talk to or go to, he won’t even make eye contact with his dealers when he speaks his two words to them looking down. They’ve been caught stealing multiple times in multiple different ways by dealers and other staff and it always just goes away like nothing happened. He sent a dick pic to a staff member, his wife found out and everyone at the lodge knows and again nothing happened. They’ve been caught stealing from tournaments, from rigging private games and finding loopholes in the cage. So many dealers have told stories and at least 20 went to the owners with all different stories and nobody did anything. It’s all so fake and shady. One day something huge is gonna come out and the place is gonna crumble to the ground. They’ve lost a ton of their good dealers, there’s really only a handful left they had the best dealers in the country and we all left or got fired for standing up for ourselves when things go bad. Doug and Andrew told us they were going to do something and they did the bare minimum and didn’t actually listen to anything anyone had to say and tried to say that 30+ dealers are all liars and players as well. It’s ridiculous.

by Xlodgedealer k

This place started really nice and the money was great everyone looked after each other, if there was an issue your voice was heard, we all moved across country for this job. Then this place blew up. And as it blew up so did the egos of Joe, Anthony, and the owner Jason. They take credit for the whole place blowing up when really they just got Doug Brad and Andrew to go in on it and that’s why it blew up cause their faces were behind it. But Joe has this god complex now and treats his dealers li

Maybe Doug will make a video 😀

Learn to use the enter button.

It helps readability.

Hi Nelson

So they stole from tournament prize pools? Any receipts of this/days/events you remember this happening? Do other people realize this/can corroborate? Why’d u wait so long to bring to light theft?

If you think they’re poorly run it’s one thing but to accuse theft I think you should provide some evidence for the communities sake.

Imagine being shocked that HR are scum who arent on the employees side.

Imagine being shocked Texas card room owners are sending dic pics to staff members.

by Siberian13 k

Maybe Doug will make a video 😀

Imagine if Doug actually had enough integrity to call out someone else’s poor behavior if it didn’t directly benefit him

by Xlodgedealer k

This place started really nice and the money was great everyone looked after each other, if there was an issue your voice was heard, we all moved across country for this job. Then this place blew up. And as it blew up so did the egos of Joe, Anthony, and the owner Jason. They take credit for the whole place blowing up when really they just got Doug Brad and Andrew to go in on it and that’s why it blew up cause their faces were behind it. But Joe has this god complex now and treats his dealers li

Sounds like somebody got fired for cause and is pissed, lol.

by Kebabkungen k

Imagine being shocked that HR are scum who arent on the employees side.

by ProffesionalMalaka k

Imagine being shocked Texas card room owners are sending dic pics to staff members.

by whitemares k

Imagine if Doug actually had enough integrity to call out someone else’s poor behavior if it didn’t directly benefit him

Just Imagine...

by Xlodgedealer k

This place started really nice and the money was great everyone looked after each other, if there was an issue your voice was heard, we all moved across country for this job. Then this place blew up. And as it blew up so did the egos of Joe, Anthony, and the owner Jason. They take credit for the whole place blowing up when really they just got Doug Brad and Andrew to go in on it and that’s why it blew up cause their faces were behind it. But Joe has this god complex now and treats his dealers li

Source: dude trust me

Hey just going to briefly weigh in here.

I can confirm that account is an ex lodge dealer.

Whole lot to unpack with the information there. To start I have spent a good number of hours looking into some of the above mentioned comments, and found there to be no truth behind them.

I do think this dealer generally meant well, but I think is perhaps a little bit blinded (or has been lied to by others) about some of these accusations.

We had direct calls about these issues, and after enough time spent here I came to the conclusion that these are inaccurate. As an owner, I have a lot at stake in this company and of course I care deeply about the treatment of our staff and the behavior of our managers.

To the best of my knowledge:

- Dick pic story is false
- Tournament stealing is false
- Rigging games is false
- I'm not sure what finding loopholes in the cage means

Do you think we would let a business worth millions of dollars lie in the hands of a manager sending dick pics? Think about that for a moment.

We have fired people for stealing $10. I can personally guarantee you if we found anyone to be stealing from us we would fire them immediately.

We will continue to monitor things at our cardroom as we move forward. I am sure there would be plenty of staff willing to say some positive things about how we run the business as well.

by WCGRider k

Do you think we would let a business worth millions of dollars lie in the hands of a manager sending dick pics? Think about that for a moment.

FTX, a multi billion dollar company was in hands of managers having orgies on the balcony. I’m immune to surprises in this world.

by WCGRider k

Hey just going to briefly weigh in here.

I can confirm that account is an ex lodge dealer.

Whole lot to unpack with the information there. To start I have spent a good number of hours looking into some of the above mentioned comments, and found there to be no truth behind them.

I do think this dealer generally meant well, but I think is perhaps a little bit blinded (or has been lied to by others) about some of these accusations.

We had direct calls about these issues, and after enough time spent her

Late night for the wgc rider, its 234am mtn time right now, so kudos for actually caring about this enough that you're losing sleep over it.

As a business owner myself I've learned that people seem to have an incredible amount of gripes once they're no longer employed at the business. Theyre able to tell tall tales and not be held accountable for backing the statement up because theyre no longer employed at (my) business. Does this mean theyre all false? No, I definitely have come to learn good info from past employees who for whatever reason waited until they didnt work for me to let me know something quite pertinent to my business, but as a whole if its a legitimate grievance then they;d say it while it was impacting their day to day.

The accusations the guy made each on their own would be massive deals. If someone was rigging a private game I dont think it would be included in a long wall of text as some afterthought. Wouldnt that be front and center?

Do not trust Doug Polk in anything business related.
History does not lie.
Guy is an ego maniac, seems sociopathic as well.

Never took accountability for relentlessly shilling coinflex to his "followers" despite all of the OBVIOUS red flags that anyone in the space would be alarmed by.
No chance he'd standup to a shady co owner if he was still raking in money from the deal.

A "personal guarantee" means nothing from someone with no integrity.

Seems insane to me that people agree to play on a cards up livestream with an owner. Maybe they are all ethical people with high integrity but it’s too much conflict of interest of someone relaying hole cards from the commentary booth or back-end production

Back end doesn't have cards at lodge card club

by WCGRider k

Back end doesn't have cards at lodge card club

Including commentators?

Curious how you were able to commentate a hand on Saturday, leave your commentary to go force a clock so that it doesn’t run into delay, and then appear in stream

Here’s timestamps for the 3/16/24 stream hand I’m referencing

4:37:47 - DP enters booth
4:38:35 - Hand starts, DP calling action mentioning hole cards
4:41:20 - NA starts 21 minute river tank. Some commentary by DP including “stache’s straddle squeeze with 43s and turning straight will not be the headline for this hand”, I agree, something more interesting than a cooler is going on here
4:53:05 - DP: “you know…I think we might be getting close to…”
4:53:14 - “our delay?”
4:53:15 - DP: “…our delay so I’m just going to go make sure that doesn’t happen. So I’ll be back in a bit”
4:56:14 - commentator: “Doug has left the booth for the integrity of the game to make sure we don’t hit the delay”
4:57:14 - DP shown on stream to give forced clock

by WCGRider k

Do you think we would let a business worth millions of dollars lie in the hands of a manager sending dick pics? Think about that for a moment.

Yes, because you were brand ambassador for an obvious scam, with a guy you called out as a scammer on the front page, where you said the CEO sounded like a scammer. You have no self awareness apparently.

by frogzilla k

Including commentators?

Curious how you were able to commentate a hand on Saturday, leave your commentary to go force a clock so that it doesn’t run into delay, and then appear in stream

I didnt actually do that, I had gone into the room 30 minutes earlier. Just thought it would help build the drama!

by WCGRider k

I didnt actually do that, I had gone into the room 30 minutes earlier. Just thought it would help build the drama!

The timing fits for when you entered the booth…but it’s still very strange. Are you saying all of the below was pretend?

-Your statement at 4:53 contemplate needing to go force a clock
-Leaving the booth at 4:54 to protect the stream
-your co-commentator 4:56 statement that you just left the booth to make sure the hand didn’t hit the delay

I’ll give you this, you made it quite convincing that you were not commenting on delay. I also can’t see what incentive you have to do that acting performance.

Thank you for the response
