Evidence GG poker are simply banning all players over a certain w/r?

Evidence GG poker are simply banning all players over a certain w/r?

Using this site, https://smarthand.pro/top, I cant find literally any high-volume players at any stakes with w/r over 4bb/100. Using that site and sorting by hands at any stake, the results are shocking. Meanwhile, at other sites there are loads of substantial winners, even on sites that offer a higher RB%. Is this the confirmation that people have been suspecting for a long time, that GG is simply banning any player above a certain winrate and using "bum hunting" as a justification? IT makes a lot of business sense to do this. Only allow small winners, break-even, or losing Rakeback grinders on your platform.

Here is GG poker top volume players for 100-200nl, last 2 years (all stakes are similar):


Ipoker (more rakeback here than GG)

WPN (again, MUCh more RB without GG bait and switch PVI system)

) 2 Views 2
22 February 2022 at 04:53 PM

7 Replies

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My account has been frozen on GGpoker. Even micro stakes can be frozen.

by JazonSant k

My account has been frozen on GGpoker. Even micro stakes can be frozen.

I don't believe people are being banned for no reason. I'm more inclined to believe that they are spotting patterns of play that indicate cheating.

by GranAutismo k

I don't believe people are being banned for no reason. I'm more inclined to believe that they are spotting patterns of play that indicate cheating.

Yeah. He posted this to reddit and mentioned he used to follow recs and everyone knows gg doesn't allow bumhunting.

by ImePaskaa k

Yeah. He posted this to reddit and mentioned he used to follow recs and everyone knows gg doesn't allow bumhunting.

gg GG imo

by dwdexter k

To me, even finding a table with fish isn't bum hunting.
Bum hunting to me is following fish from table to table, or habitually always sitting out the moment the big fish leaves the table.
But yeah, all this is just more and more evidence that subjective TOS rules methods, is perceived very differently among varieties players.

I like the charm factor, but I'm worried that simply choosing not to sit with 5 opponents who are all ten tabling will get me banned as a bum hunter.

Thats close to the way i look at it. Only i have no problem leaving a table if a particularly bad player leaves Example i was playing a week or so a go and was about ready to leave and a player sites down and vpips 4 hands in a row. Long story short they have a 98% vpip after 2 rotations. So i decide cant pass fee money. After they leave i sit out next button.

Most regs at 500nl+ bumhunt. There’s literally no point banning them. What they gonna do, ban every reg? Then the original -20bb rec is gonna bumhunt the -100bb whale. It doesn’t solve the problem.

If you follow a spewy rec from table to table and ruin their buzz thus hurting the economy with your greed, then I think you probably deserve to be banned.
