Pokerstars disables auto rebuy function due to regulation for UK players
13 Replies
I came across this thread after I restarted playing on pokerstars because I'm getting this happen to me. Recent posts above suggest that it's no longer the case, so don't know why I'm having the issue. Did something change again/anyone else from UK having it or is it just me?
I'm in the UK and topup's still working fine for me, at least on zoom tables.
This is the equivalent thought process of 'oh, there's been an accident in the village, instead of improving road design, encouraging better driving, having more stringent testing procedures, we'll just go for the easy points scorer: reducing speed limits continually'
Incredibly stupid, but that's what governments do best. Bunch of ignorants who have no idea about the game, "regulating" vital parts of it and then presenting this garbage as solution to something.
at least you can still play on stars :(
imagine living in a country still with a king and queen you pay pittance to telling you how you can and can't spend your money. lol
imagine living in a country still with a king and queen you pay pittance to telling you how you can and can't spend your money. lol
Imagine living in a country with a foreign lobby who controls your politicians through kickbacks and access to underage girls or boys, while the taxpayer funds the military of America's closest ally.
Amusing to watch a brit and an american argue over which country is worse while the rest of the world looks on
More like who is profiting isn't it.
Auto rebuy should be disabled for every player / country. Keeping stack full is one mandatory skill in poker.