Botfarm won $10 Million on WPN
Monitoring the development and profitability of poker bots has become an increasingly challenging task.
Below are my findings related to the bots identified on the Winning Poker Network (WPN).
Botfarm Total Multi-Table Tournament (MTT) Graph:
Botfarm 2023 Year MTT Results:
Botfarm Cash Games NL400+ Since April 1, 2023:
The issue of bot proliferation has been recognized for at least 3.5 years, as discussed in this Botfarm forum thread.
Despite submitting comprehensive reports to the WPN, which unfortunately went unanswered from their security team, I harbor no illusions that they will address the problem. The security service has let down the player community. Therefore, I am reaching out to poker schools, funds, and independent players.
I urge you to examine the hands played by these bots in cash games and MTTs this year, analyze their strategies in training sessions, and actively combat them at the tables. In many games, they constitute a significant portion of the player field, ranging from 5% to 15%. - MTT Hands - Cash Hands
Here are the aliases for Hand2Note 3 that I have compiled. However, I encourage you to verify and draw your own conclusions. - Aliases
Currently, Botfarm evolve approximately every 3 months but still employ exploitative tactics, allowing to push back. Given their ability to create over 100+ new accounts per month, eradicating them requires multiple waves of blocking, not just a single sweep. This issue is not exclusive to WPN; evidence suggests that Ignition and GG Poker are already affected. While I lack data from all platforms, it is certain that they will infiltrate wherever there is a lucrative game.
In the end I would like to say that poker is a game of people with each other, not the machines. Interference by machines disrupts the essence of poker. If any room management believes that regular players can be replaced by machines - you are mistaken. In such a scenario, the game would inevitably dwindle or even cease to exist, reaching an untenable scale.
List of MTT Nicknames Part 1:
List of MTT Nicknames Part 2:
List of Cash NL400+ Nicknames:
I know this might be semi-unrelated, but whatever happened with Ali Imsirovic for WPN? I say semi, because if these bots have been colluding, which Mother Mary forbid they would ever stoop so low, then what would stop an upstanding poker legend like Ali from using bot farms and colluding himself? More specifically, I ask, because I had several deep runs and one in particular on the Sunday Warmup where he finished above me and I suspect him and the eventual first place player of soft play. Anyone know?
Used a ticket on ACR to observe a 5/10 NL table that had all nine seats filled, wanting to see if any of the names included in the list of those thought to be bots were playing, and saw a strange hand take place. The table was called "Citrus."
Here is a link to the replay of the hand:
It does not seem that the player who won the hand is included in the list, however.
The player made a large bet on the turn with a completed flush and open-ended straight flush draw, is called, then checks back the river with a made straight flush after the board pairs.
Most likely, if it were really a bot, this kind of mistake would not be made. Possibly there was a lack of understanding of the strength of the hand? Although (and not sure if this can be disabled or not), on the bottom right of the table there would have been written something like "straight flush, queen high."
At any rate, checking back there is very odd.
Used a ticket on ACR to observe a 5/10 NL table that had all nine seats filled, wanting to see if any of the names included in the list of those thought to be bots were playing, and saw a strange hand take place. The table was called "Citrus."
Here is a link to the replay of the hand:
It does not seem that the player who won the hand is included in the list
reason for checking back: misread hand or misclicked.
its just stupid. Yeah i guess integrity team never thought about using google and search for bots/RTA? Guess you should join them and tell to use google?
Obviously the software that works on the long run is not available with a simple google search. -.-"
most are scam/software that is caught in the 2nd moment u use them.
Can anyone verify the Integrity Team isnt just the CEO/a buddy?
Attention kind and learned mods, please take note that my good faith and informative post has been besieged by unwarranted ad-hominem attacks from this forums assorted broke lowlifes, this is normally the part where i smash these plebs into a billion little pieces. but as discussed with the owners of this site i will refrain and let you do your work preserving my discussion points while eliminating this noise. thank you for all that you do good sirs!
Honestly the site would be way better off if you weren't allowed to post here. You're toxic as ****
They don't do anything. If you go back several years in the Internet Poker section there is an ACR thread. Evidence of botting has been reported and supplied nonstop. They had an ACR rep working the thread at one point but they would just say "sry my hands are tied but rest assured ppl are working on it".
They did one super late wave of alleged bans, kicked a handful of accounts, returned a fraction of the $ stolen, and two weeks later the same quantity of new bot accounts returned on new names. They then hired nanonoko to buy goodwill and time, but he did nothing as well. Sound familiar? Koon, whoever else. The poker pros who take these positions are just promises to make you go away.
They allow the players to be cheated, pay out the minimum, and then find a new scapegoat to buy time. The site is not going to do anything ever.
They are complicit. Whether it's because they are directly involved, or because they think it's cheaper not to enforce game security doesn't matter. If Nagy is called out on it, he will give platitudes and lie/make promises, and then do nothing. They know, they just don't care. It's their standard.
This is just a never ending cycle, things will die down and nothing will be done, then in a few years people will act surprised/outraged again and ACR/Nagy will have some bs response that they wont follow thru with, rinse repeat etc etc. All this has been goin on since nearly the start of the millys in 2015 when the site started to get big. One of Nagys early responses back then when pestered about bots in games (i believe it was on one of his acr twitch streams) was to the affect of "well dont play here then" That sure set the tone accurately of how things would go with the site. Essentially nothing has changed in almost a decade on WPN. Id imagine this 10mil report is crumbs compared to what has been taken lifetime off the network from all the bots.
And lol @ citing nano hes just there to collect a check while they use his image, similarly to all the other acr pros that are defending the shield and have no clue about these issues. Maybe if this was at the nosebleeds or high stakes some changes might take place like on GG with ali/jake stuff. But most of the higher up poker figures with status coudlnt care less about bot problems at low to mid stakes regardless of how much money is being taken out of the poker ecosystem (not saying its their job to).
The Great ACR Bot Challenge is beyond ridic, if for no other reason than ACR can just focus on any account started in 2024. It's like a country waiting until it has a million troops massed around its border, then saying, "See? We're totally safe. If you can enter with incendiary devices strapped around your waist, you win."
A first aid would be that you have to verify yourself irregularly at the tables via captcha. And the captcha should always be on the tables in the different places.
ACR should implement this.
There's almost a 0% chance ACR isn't in on this either. That site has been one of the shadiest poker sites ever.
Hopefully this is the downfall of that **** company. Just like every other shitty poker site, it's always greed that gets them.
Have stated this numerous times in this thread myself, I'm not sure how this isn't completely obvious to everyone. The fact their sponsored players stay silent on this exact thing when it's so obvious is just ridiculous. At least half of them know this is the case and they still won't say ****.
What an absolute trainwreck of a situation for ACR.
Who the **** thought creating a bot challenge was a great response to accusations of bots on their website? Hahahaha, they probably had all the bot accounts emailing them telling them, hey bro we got some working bots. Not to mention the guy who created a working bot in a half hour. Looool. Literally the dumbest people own and operate ACR. My god this was hilarious. If you still play on ACR I don't feel bad if you lose anym
whatchu mean bro?
Trusted Certified btw!
Hey, just posted updated country list with ACR+Blackchip.
Btw yesterday I thought ACR finally came around and banned them because I did not find a single one in anything after Loncar Daily Doubles. But right now I see a lot of them playing again. Mitttri, partyhe, KryptoA1, PreauToxy, Vv00DpeKer, RuyBop, tyInsight... So I guess it was just too late and bots need to sleep too?
Interestingly Vv00DpeKer who was only on the cash game bot suspected list is playing a $55 MTT and has typical MTT bot stats. So there is Cash/MTT overlap apparently.
Hey, just posted updated country list with ACR+Blackchip.
Btw yesterday I thought ACR finally came around and banned them because I did not find a single one in anything after Loncar Daily Doubles. But right now I see a lot of them playing again. Mitttri, partyhe, KryptoA1, PreauToxy, Vv00DpeKer, RuyBop, tyInsight... So I guess it was just too late and bots need to sleep too?
Interestingly Vv00DpeKer who was only on the cash game bo
obv house bots working for WPN. You think WPN lets those bots withdraw millions from Phil's bank account?
Pads (Patrick Leonard) speaks out about this.
Couldn’t have said it better.
I and several friend, associates have played countless hands against multiple players on the mtt bot list, as well as final tables and deep runs in higher end buyins 109s+ vs probable* colluders, some on this list and other more well known colluders (Ali Imsirovic). Where is our money?
Pads (Patrick Leonard) speaks out about this.
Couldn’t have said it better.
I and several friend, associates have played countless hands against multiple players on the mtt bot list, as well as final tables and deep runs in higher end buyins 109s+ vs probable* colluders, some on this list and other more well known colluders (Ali Imsirovic). Where is our money?
the problem is that its Sunday and yet again he is doing his #nevermissasunday bs .
how you going to make a video like that and then forget 2 days later.
the problem is that its Sunday and yet again he is doing his #nevermissasunday bs .
how you going to make a video like that and then forget 2 days later.
not to mention attaching a photo portraying playing poker vs bots...
i hope for his sake he's not playing on any of the accused sites he lambasted a couple of days ago. yikes.
Now provide evidence for your claim. Sounds like you are speaking from experience maybe?
Do you mean to say that there is proof of Santa Claus doesnt exist? How would such proof even appear in a botting context?
Do you require evidence that it's impossible to purchase a bot for $300-400 and consistently beat the lowest stakes without raising suspicion and basically return your investment in the first month? If it's a pure GTO bot, it's likely that players or the integrity team will uncover it relatively quickly. If it's a logic-based bot with numerous IF-THEN statements, it would demand an enormous amount of time and effort to make it a profitable option after accounting for rakeback, and some individuals might still find significant vulnerabilities and proof that its a bot. Additionally, there's the challenge of avoiding detection due to unusual mouse movements, which no experienced botter would readily provide guidance on.
I don't have firsthand experience with this, but I occasionally read that forum to keep up with what people are currently involved in. I've had great success battling bots in my recent years, except for the past 6-9 months.
My wife is from Costa Rica and lived in San Jose for over 10 years and knows people that worked for WPN (pretty sure its called something else locally) and other online sites down there. They are all connected, same people bounce around the companies since the UB days, and its just an overall **** show. Probably not as bad as it used to be down there but you have to be very naive to think some operation out of Costa Rica offering gambling (lots of online casinos/sportsbooks with many shady characters about) is on the up and up. At the very least they are super super lax and incompetent when it comes to security.
One question I have, what differentiates a bot from a real person, in terms of statistics? The only one that stands out that makes sense is playing 24 hrs a day or some other inhumanly number. All the other stats seem totally reproducible by humans to me, so in my mind it's just as likely these accounts are real human beings as robots. How could I be wrong?
not to mention attaching a photo portraying playing poker vs bots...
i hope for his sake he's not playing on any of the accused sites he lambasted a couple of days ago. yikes.
Your post is pretty ridiculous and pretty tilting. The only people who would call Pads out like this are people who were never playing in the first place.
Pretty sure Pads didn't name any sites specifically in that video. It was also very clear from the video that he was more so calling out the ambassadors than the online regs. They're the ones who have more power to get something done quickly. Regardless, what do you expect him to do? Quit playing online? Obviously that's not something he can realistically do. No regs are going to quit playing on any of these sites because the games are still insanely profitable. Stars is the safest site by a mile and it gets prioritized less by lots of regs and there's obvious reasons for that. If online regs were going to boycott any of these sites it would need to be an organized thing that happens after the sites don't respond well to what's going on right now. Pretty funny that you think Pads can't speak out against what's going on when he has a platform to do so and can make a difference.
My wife is from Costa Rica and lived in San Jose for over 10 years and knows people that worked for WPN (pretty sure its called something else locally) and other online sites down there. They are all connected, same people bounce around the companies since the UB days, and its just an overall **** show.
FWIW, that's pretty much expected. Not only in the gambling industry (it's the same in Gibraltar) but also in other industries like the financial sector in Luxemburg or even politics in capitals.
One question I have, what differentiates a bot from a real person, in terms of statistics? The only one that stands out that makes sense is playing 24 hrs a day or some other inhumanly number. All the other stats seem totally reproducible by humans to me, so in my mind it's just as likely these accounts are real human beings as robots. How could I be wrong?
One example would be a statistic that's way off from the range that almost all human regs have, and the entire list of bots has that statistic in the 'bot range'. One pointed out in the past week was of PLO and getting to showdown and I think someone said all PLO regs get to showdown between 28-30% and all the bots were around 25%. If it's one player, then sure it might be a human that's doing something unorthodox. When it's a long list of players on ACR around 25% and no regs at all on stars PLO tables are around 25%, then obviously something is going on.
(My numbers may be off here because I don't play PLO but I'm pretty sure that's what I saw. I think JNandez posted it somewhere.)
One example would be a statistic that's way off from the range that almost all human regs have, and the entire list of bots has that statistic in the 'bot range'. One pointed out in the past week was of PLO and getting to showdown and I think someone said all PLO regs get to showdown between 28-30% and all the bots were around 25%. If it's one player, then sure it might be a human that's doing something unorthodox. When it's a long list of players on ACR around 25% and no regs at all on stars
Why couldn't it be a stable of humans playing the same exact strategy?