People who made huge MTT scores, busted all of it.

People who made huge MTT scores, busted all of it.

90% of Players? Whats your best Story?

I once made second and sixth in a 530$ multi-entry 10-game for $15k, but then lost my Share and more to blue carpet on full tilt at mostly 10/20 Mixed...

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13 January 2024 at 09:26 PM

40 Replies


Chino rheem binked like 13 mil in tourney's and owes people 26 mil.

by meltron28281 k

Chino rheem binked like 13 mil in tourney's and owes people 26 mil.


by jdpc27 k

thats a name thats a blast from the past...he was like a nicer maurice hawkins..

lol I used to play the 1k SNGs at the Rio all summer and Dwyte played one once and said the most hilarious **** ever.

For context, this was probably 2016-2017, well after the point where everyone knew he was more or less broke. Didn't know much about him except for that and that he was somewhat of a clown sometimes. There was a conversation going on at the table where the word 'Borgata' came up.

Dwyte says "Did y'all Borgata?"


Dwyte: "Man, I love that place. That's where I made my first million."

The story I'm about to tell involves neither MTTs nor a particularly huge score, but forgive me, as I think it's worth telling. Back in the spring of either 2007 or 2008 (forget which), I had run up my PokerStars bankroll from my typical $100 Western Union/Moneygram deposit to around maybe $1500 or so. Naturally, I started multi-tabling the very addictive $225 turbo SNGs when I got to that oh-so-high bankroll threshold. These were the days when Bryn Kenney was still in Long Island playing these things, and Jorj95 was making Supernova Elite by February by putting in tremendous volume at them. The glory days, in other words. I'd also mix in some $60 45-man turbos versus the likes of QuasiFiction (great, memorable name) and TheLipoFund (same), among other pre-Black Friday legends. Then for an occasional change of pace I'd take on DDBeast and stevie444 (I am not entirely sure I remember the number sequence correctly there, but he was a reg) in the WSOP step SNGs.

So after maybe a week or so of this, I woke up one morning to a balance of $0.00. Calamitous. Might I have to actually spend the day at the bookstore or otherwise outside the seductive world of PokerStars? The thought was intolerable. I was saved from having to live that reality by the realization that I had one step 4 WSOP ticket left to redeem (step 4 tickets were worth around $215 if I recall correctly). So I entered one, played my usual strategy of just barely outlasting 3rd and 4th places, and moved onto Step 5. Rinse and repeat there, so I'm onto the final step for the first time. Outright win this one, and a seat in the Main Event would be mine. My buddy and I were instant messaging as I waited for the table to fill, and so I initially missed the name of the ninth and final entrant: FossilMan, AKA former WSOP ME champ Greg Raymer. To age 21/22 me, this was a huge deal, and I was pretty much shaking behind the computer monitor.

So of course it comes down to Raymer and myself heads up. Raymer had a 2:1 chip lead, but that reversed very quickly after I flopped a set of 4s and allowed him to bluff three streets. Not long after, he got it in with 98ss v my 22, I faded 9s and 8s and straights and flushes, and victory was mine. It felt surreal. The girlfriend of my good friend whom I'd been Instant messaging before the SNG immediately called me up and started talking Vegas travel plans. I did a victory lap around my block. Such a high

Fast forward three nights...I'm bored, fire up the PokerStars account, and what do I find but $10,000 in my account. It hadn't been there before, and my assumption was that PStars bought me directly into the tournament, or something. Well, even though I wanted to play the WSOP, there'd be no harm in playing a bit, right?

The money was gone in 4 hours. Took me till the summer of 2022 to make it to Las Vegas.

Be careful, kids.

by meltron28281 k

Chino rheem binked like 13 mil in tourney's and owes people 26 mil.

That number seems low

by mrcnkwcz k

The story I'm about to tell involves neither MTTs nor a particularly huge score, but forgive me, as I think it's worth telling. Back in the spring of either 2007 or 2008 (forget which), I had run up my PokerStars bankroll from my typical $100 Western Union/Moneygram deposit to around maybe $1500 or so. Naturally, I started multi-tabling the very addictive $225 turbo SNGs when I got to that oh-so-high bankroll threshold. These were the days when Bryn Kenney was still in Long Island playing the

epic story

by mrcnkwcz k

The story I'm about to tell involves neither MTTs nor a particularly huge score, but forgive me, as I think it's worth telling.

Be careful, kids.

Blasting that 10k definitely saved you money by keeping you out of vegas lmao

What about Brandon Cantu?

Chino gonna Chino

by mrcnkwcz k

It felt surreal. The girlfriend of my good friend whom I'd been Instant messaging before the SNG immediately called me up and started talking Vegas travel plans. I did a victory lap around my block. Such a high

Be careful, kids.

Messaging girlfriend of good friend is all I got out of this. 😃

by mrcnkwcz k

The story I'm about to tell involves neither MTTs nor a particularly huge score, but forgive me, as I think it's worth telling. Back in the spring of either 2007 or 2008 (forget which), I had run up my PokerStars bankroll from my typical $100 Western Union/Moneygram deposit to around maybe $1500 or so. Naturally, I started multi-tabling the very addictive $225 turbo SNGs when I got to that oh-so-high bankroll threshold. These were the days when Bryn Kenney was still in Long Island playing the

Haha awesome story.

Tell us more about the downswing ? What kind of stakes were you playing to blow $10k?

by JoeSlim k

Messaging girlfriend of good friend is all I got out of this. 😃

That was also my biggest take

I miss the glory days of poker - had a massive MTT heater from the Fall of 2009 into early 2011, but then Black Friday hit and everything fell apart. Luckily I kept a spreadsheet of my wins/losses, so can go back and re live the memories. I remember starting off 2010 down 15k mid January, then by March was around +100k on the year, ending the year up just shy of 300k. Those days are long gone

by LimpDitka k

Tell us more about the downswing ? What kind of stakes were you playing to blow $10k?

I remember that my first move was to sit with 'Zugwat' at a $2,000 + rake HU SNG. I could tell from the start of that game that I was playing through the fog of boredom, despite the stakes. Got most of it in with KQ v AK and lost. There may have been an intermediate stop, but I remember blowing at least the final 5-6k at 150/300 limit, in a game that featured a couple players who were playing even worse than I was that night. Great game, poor form, poor running. The one guy's username included the word 'importer', and he was playing like he was high on product he'd imported from Colombia, just nonstop action. Funny what you find yourself remembering 15+ years down the line

by September.28 k

I remember when guys use to do this stuff. They have a big score in a MTT and then think they are going to switch to heads up sng play for high stakes and only have to beat one player. Except that one player they would end up playing at $5,000 a sng was legend Dan "mrgr33n13" Colman who was winning a million+ a year at hu sng.

I can't imagine what the fish did to lose 27 of 28 which is what that graph looks like, just a nosedive with 1 win in the middle. Any two openshoving would outperform that.
