View: Your Poker Results are determined by Luck

View: Your Poker Results are determined by Luck

I'm going to post what Matt Marinelli posted on his twitter (#1 online cash game player in America).

He simulated 6 bots

) 15 Views 15
31 March 2024 at 03:01 PM

251 Replies


Using Bayesian inference, you can get far more accurate winrate estimates over small samples.

Here, I've plugged in the NL200 rate distribution as a prior, then updated it with DDPs results over the 64k sample.

Assuming DDP is a random player plucked from the population, his true winrate is probably about 6 bb/100.
There's a 75% chance that his winrate is greater than 3.7 bb/100.

If we instead plug in 200NL reg data as a prior, his true winrate would be closer to 7.3 bb/100.
There's a 75% chance that his winrate is at least 5.1 bb/100.

by tombos21 k

Using Bayesian inference, you can get far more accurate winrate estimates over small samples.

Here, I've plugged in the NL200 rate distribution as a prior, then updated it with DDPs results over the 64k sample.

Assuming DDP is a random player plucked from the population, his true winrate is probably about 6 bb/100.
There's a 75% chance that his winrate is greater than 3.7 bb/100.

If we instead plug in 200NL reg data as a prior, his true winrate would be closer to 7.3 bb/100.
There's a 75% chance

Excuse my ignorance, but isn't this the same this as what the primedope calculator does?

by Haizemberg93 k

On X and ebay they verify identity, because on eBay there are legal and/or financial consequences if you scam

I assume it's basically the same reason here?

I have a hard time understanding why anyone would think the verification is about poker competence. What other free platforms where people offer their services do that? Does Angi's List send out people to check if someone really is a good carpenter or mason? Ratings are always based on customer feedback. (nowadays owned by Microsoft) does background checks for new teachers. That includes crime databases and if someone is in the national sex offender registry but not if they're good at teaching piano or saxophone. Teachers have ratings because their students reviewed them. Not the platform.

his sample is anything but random

Its fine its just identity verification. I would call that verified user and put some criteria on verified coach think (maybe big winning sample or wait for few good reviews before), maybe its obv to others that verified coach means you just give ID not that you know anything it was confusing for me at first.


Excuse my ignorance, but isn't this the same this as what the primedope calculator does?

Nah, primedope doesn't make any prior assumptions about what the winrate "ought to be". It's a frequentist approach. So it would just take the winrate at face value.
Bayesian approach uses population data as a prior, so you tend to get more accurate results.

by Haizemberg93 k

his sample is anything but random

That's why I included the second section where we pull using reg data as a prior, rather than assuming a random sample.

But I guess your point is that he cherry-picked the sample?

Yes he wont post if he was winning 2bb, so there is selection bias.

Your analysis works if someone commits to play x number of hands and do the analysis regardless of the result. Most posted graphs are not random, there is a reason why someone is posting which makes it non random.

Also i think DDP SD is higher than 100 😃

by tombos21 k

Nah, primedope doesn't make any prior assumptions about what the winrate "ought to be". It's a frequentist approach. So it would just take the winrate at face value.
Bayesian approach uses population data as a prior, so you tend to get more accurate results.

That's why I included the second section where we pull using reg data as a prior, rather than assuming a random sample.

But I guess your point is that he cherry-picked the sample?

Thanks for the analysis Tom!

Yeah everyone thinks I cherry picked my sample so now I'm doing a BR challenge 😀.

by Haizemberg93 k

...Also i think DDP SD is higher than 100 😃

That's probably true lmao

by Haizemberg93 k

put some criteria on verified coach think (maybe big winning sample or wait for few good reviews before).

‘Coach’ is too broad a category to require graphs though, there’s ppl offering coaching for $25/hr.
Anyone can peruse the coaching page and see the huge range of price points (from $25 to $1000/hr) which should make it pretty clear that verification is a forum requirement, not a value indicator.

Money goes one way in coaching. So presenting a winning graph is good for getting clients, they aren't going to get money from the coach when the graph turns. Keeping interest up as long as possible is the key.

by DooDooPoker k

Thanks for the analysis Tom!

Yeah everyone thinks I cherry picked my sample so now I'm doing a BR challenge 😀.


Why did you choose BR challenge over putting in more hands at 200nl?

by Meeowth k


Why did you choose BR challenge over putting in more hands at 200nl?

4 main reasons.

1. I don't 100% trust my money on Ignition (maybe 95%?) and I don't want to put too much of my net worth on there.

2. I don't know how far the bots have infiltrated the poker economy and I still want to study their play more (for cheap).

3. I want to see what winrates are possible at lower stakes using heavy MDA strategies as an example for future students and to boost coaching resume.

4. Crypto

Basically, all this talk of variance and standard deviation is a derail. The little bit of Bayesian vs Frequentist back and forth is amusing (Pro tip: In a Bayesian vs Frequentist challenge, always bet on the Bayesian), but it too omits the main point.

The OP is true, and at the same time it is ridiculous. If you are playing poker at a table full of people with skill equal to yours, you are doing it wrong.(*)

If the sixth best poker player in the world sits down with the five better players, things will not go very well for them; but if some kid who has read, say, [i]Exploitative Play in Live Poker[/i] goes straight from their job flipping burgers to the local cardroom to play 1-2 NLHE, they stand a pretty good shot of being able to beat the game long-term.

Poker is fundamentally about playing against weaker players and exploiting those players' weakness to take the money. This is why game selection is a fundamental skill of successful poker.

Poker is, at root, a hustle, a way for the smart money to take advantage of the dumb money.

In the artificial situation described in the OP, by construction no one can hustle anyone else. Does variance matter in poker? Of course it does. But successful players can fade the variance, and in the long run they are going to prevail over the fun players.

(*) Yes, a home game with your pals can be well worth playing when no one has an edge.

by AlanBostick k

Basically, all this talk of variance and standard deviation is a derail. The little bit of Bayesian vs Frequentist back and forth is amusing (Pro tip: In a Bayesian vs Frequentist challenge, always bet on the Bayesian), but it too omits the main point.

The OP is true, and at the same time it is ridiculous. If you are playing poker at a table full of people with skill equal to yours, you are doing it wrong.(*)

If the sixth best poker player in the world sits down with the five better players, thin

I think the point is more so that the observed winrate deviates so much from the true winrate. An initially breakeven player may first run at -10bb or vice versa, which influences the trajectory of their career vastly

by wereallgonnamakeit k

I think the point is more so that the observed winrate deviates so much from the true winrate. An initially breakeven player may first run at -10bb or vice versa, which influences the trajectory of their career vastly

Yes he is missed the whole point of the thread.

by AlanBostick k

Basically, all this talk of variance and standard deviation is a derail. The little bit of Bayesian vs Frequentist back and forth is amusing (Pro tip: In a Bayesian vs Frequentist challenge, always bet on the Bayesian), but it too omits the main point.

The OP is true, and at the same time it is ridiculous. If you are playing poker at a table full of people with skill equal to yours, you are doing it wrong.(*)

If the sixth best poker player in the world sits down with the five better players, thin

Is this post from 2005? Had no idea!

IDK if this adds something to this

but this is my Luck bell curve for the last 2M hands I played at 100NL and I was able to still profit a bit... so for me this tells you that with a good enough wr you will profit in the long run

also if someone knows how to read whats the percentage of this to happen I guess i need to just add the 3 variables and divide by 3? thank you in advance

by AlanBostick k

Basically, all this talk of variance and standard deviation is a derail. The little bit of Bayesian vs Frequentist back and forth is amusing (Pro tip: In a Bayesian vs Frequentist challenge, always bet on the Bayesian), but it too omits the main point.

The OP is true, and at the same time it is ridiculous. If you are playing poker at a table full of people with skill equal to yours, you are doing it wrong.(*)

If the sixth best poker player in the world sits down with the five better players, thin

How does this absolute truth not get more love?

by JimL k

How does this absolute truth not get more love?

Because it's really obvious. If you are posting blatantly obvious truths but acting like it's some deep knowledge, people are going to see right through that.

Hence why it is important not to play like a bot and exploit your opponents .

It's more about how much better you need to be for actually confidently winning. Bu just cutting losses can be nice too.

That simulation needs a link and explanation!

A standard deviation of 200 bb/100 would produce a standard error of 6 bb/100 after 100k hands, which matches the first column. A good player could win 32 bb/100 (Sharpe ratio of .16 bb/100 or .1 bb/hour of live play). The 95% confidence interval around this win rate is 20-44 bb/100, far from zero.

What are reasonable no-limit hold'em standard deviations?

There was Stefan's HU match against Limitless and the first one won with 15 eb/100 over 50k hands. My question is - how much does this sample tell you about the real win rates of players and does it depend on the number of players at the table (i.e. at the 9-max table you need an order of magnitude more hands than in HU)?
Well, the question concerning me personally is how many tournaments do I need to play in order to understand my real chipEV in fast spins (flashes, nitro etc.)?

by ggwpnore k

Stefan's HU match against Limitless ...

I think Stefan won 12bb/100 over 50k hands. The standard deviation of heads-up poker is around 25 bb/100 according to:

So the standard error is 25/Sqrt(50k/100) = 1.1 bb/100. The 95% confidence interval for the win rate is 9.8-14.2.

It takes thousands of hands to be confident your win rate differs from zero. That is why there are so many delusional losing gamblers at poker, but not at chess.

In contrast, you don't need many observations to usefully gauge standard deviation. For example, it is never negative. There is a myth that you need 30 observations, because the last row of the t-statistic chart stops at 30, where it is indistinguishable from a normal distribution. The sample variance follows a (scaled) chi square distribution.

I forgot about this thread!

6max standard deviation is usually between 90-110.
