PokerBros Club Button Clickers Steals Over $52,000

PokerBros Club Button Clickers Steals Over $52,000

Allegedly a PokerBros Club called Button Clickers has ghosted their players. Their Telegram was deleted, multiple agents have dissapeared and stoped responding to players, and there is over $52,000 of player money just in the bad beat jackpot on PokerBros that people may never get back. In total this could be 6-figures of player money stolen.

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21 January 2025 at 03:17 PM

20 Replies

So refreshing to see a rug pull that isnt in crypto

someone make a PokerBros coin ASAP

"Sure there is some risk but never had any trouble before" @affi.


So refreshing to see a rug pull that isnt in crypto

the world is healing

at this point with so many high-profile cases, you should factor the (% chance of getting rugged) x (money kept on site) into your winrate calculations. to be shocked that this is happening in 2025 is just peak ignorance.

  • Don't play on unregulated sites!
  • If you do, keep as little money on these sites as possible!

Hey Guys I work with Diamond Union and am helping to rectify all the owed balances from Button Clickers.

If you or someone you know has a balance owed to them please contact me on Telegram: @diamond_admn

I have helped a few already but dont know the best way to get the word out. Please feel free to share my info as well.

by Abilitytown k

Hey Guys I work with Diamond Union and am helping to rectify all the owed balances from Button Clickers.

If you or someone you know has a balance owed to them please contact me on Telegram: @diamond_admn

I have helped a few already but dont know the best way to get the word out. Please feel free to share my info as well.

yo if anyone was apart of button clickers scam go shoot @diamond_admn a message on telegram. he just cashed me out what i was owed from button clickers and has a huge club of their own that’s ACTUALLY legit. If you want your money back message him asap. (he is not affiliated with button clickers, just wants to help those who got scammed.)

@Diamond_admn helped me out big time. Thank you for getting me and my balance squared away in your Club

by dukgen k

@Diamond_admn helped me out big time. Thank you for getting me and my balance squared away in your Club

You're welcome.

by Abilitytown k

You're welcome.

Pleasure was all mine, stay well.

@Diamond_admn was able to get me covered quick and effectively.

John works with the Union and can legitimately help people who were defrauded by the club get their money. Contact him on Telegram at @diamond_admn.

by norwich k

So refreshing to see a rug pull that isnt in crypto

the world is healing

at this point with so many high-profile cases, you should factor the (% chance of getting rugged) x (money kept on site) into your winrate calculations. to be shocked that this is happening in 2025 is just peak ignorance.

  • Don't play on unregulated sites!
  • If you do, keep as little money on these sites as possible!

This only keeps happening because people let these losers get away with it.

If these club owners / agents who stole faced serious repercussions that would curb theft from players.

by Abilitytown k

You're welcome.

is this club legit?

Yes, this club is legit.

I work with the union and FishTank club within the union. The Union guarantees all balances and is covering all those impacted by Button Clickers rug pull.

We are committed to ensuring that players have a safe place to play without concern of BS like this happening.

While I cannot control how all clubs are managed, and cannot say with certainty another club couldn't attempt to scam their players like Button Clickers, I can say that we will take swift action to help all players recoup the entirety of their balances regardless if they want to keep playing.

I cannot speak for all clubs, or for other unions. Play at your own risk in those situations. But Diamond Union always puts players first and will do all we can to ensure everyone is taken care of in this, and all future situations.



this doesn't pass the sniff test.

If the union has vetted and OK'd a club that has since rugged, the reputation of the union becomes tarnished.

"Member of Diamond Union" is no longer a mark of credibility now that a club carrying this badge has been proven unsafe.

John admits this himself by saying

by Abilitytown k

I cannot control how all clubs are managed, and cannot say with certainty another club couldn't attempt to scam their players like Button Clickers

which conveniently allows himself plausible deniability should another club under the union umbrella elect to scam.

The testimony below also has doubt cast over it, given the account was created for the sole purpose of posting the testimony, and all accounts that liked, it show very sporadic and infrequent activity on the site. These aren't evidential of it being a scam, but may cast doubt over the legitimacy of the thread.

A classic Chinese method of scamming is called Pig Butchering, where a victim is baited into making increased contributions and involving other victims through recommendation of legitimacy, before exiting for a greater amount.

By making whole those scammed by Button Clickers, Diamond Union gains more legitimacy, which could lead to greater investment from its players, and thus a greater reward if they were ever to rug pull the club.

My advice would be:

  • 1. If you've lost money - try to get it back, it's a complete freeroll
  • 2. If you haven't lost any money - go play something regulated where you have legal recourse if you're scammed

You are entitled to any opinions you have, and I do not blame any skepticism. I am working nonstop to help reimburse all the players that were impacted.

I did not create any of those other accounts, but some may have been new to TwoPlusTwo searching for answers to this situation. I myself have struggled with the best way to reach all the players. There is no contact info stored on players on the app.

This situation is shitty for all involved. The best I can do is honor all balances and make it right for the players impacted. I am not asking anyone to deposit, or keep playing. There are no holds of any sort on people withdrawing their balances. Many have withdrawn full balances as soon as we have followed the verification steps.

I have helped a good number to this point, and will continue to do so.

As norwich even points out its a freeroll to try to recoup your funds. Those that have reached out to me that were legitimately impacted know that I am helping them.

by norwich k

So refreshing to see a rug pull that isnt in crypto

the world is healing

at this point with so many high-profile cases, you should factor the (% chance of getting rugged) x (money kept on site) into your winrate calculations. to be shocked that this is happening in 2025 is just peak ignorance.

  • Don't play on unregulated sites!
  • If you do, keep as little money on these sites as possible!

and know that you are almost certainly getting cheated in some way, most likely in multiple ways.

yeah why does anyone think this format of a poker club is a good idea? also gotta play with one window open on your phone the whole time? yuck.

by ruo44 k

yeah why does anyone think this format of a poker club is a good idea? also gotta play with one window open on your phone the whole time? yuck.

Its a great deal for the insiders to play with free money against real money.

A poker club that named themselves Button Clickers. What could go wrong? I would have assumed they’d Mike Postle everyone and then claim they’re just clicking buttons but looks like they needed the money fast so did a rugpull instead.
