ACR Is Antisemitic?
wtf is this I’m looking at? Player ‘iWasOnly17’ is on the FT of the Venom, I believe (could be wrong) he’s from Israel. wtf does his location read this?!
Whatever your views are, Israel is a an established sovereign country, ‘Palestine’ is not. I could understand someone in Gaza’s location being labelled, albeit naively, ‘Palestine’ but, I doubt there are any poker players there and if they are playing high stakes it’s Hamas higher ups so you have bigger problems regarding KYC/money laundering to worry about if that were the case. But ‘Palestinian Territory‘ is wildly inaccurate it never was or has been, for thousands of years it’s been Judea & Samaria/Israel - furthermore ‘occupied’ is an absurd description, Israel left Gaza in 2005.
What the hell is going on here ACR?
11 Replies
Ill contact my ACR rep as this is outrageous.
Every time something like this happens you think who is in charge of making decisions like this? It’s not even accurate, people just want to express their socio-political feelings any chance they get.
Nothing against Barak but he IS currently residing in occupied Palestine. What do you think this entire conflict is about? Perhaps if I claimed god ordained your home to me and I kicked you out of it, you'd see this issue more clearly.
By that absurd logic everyone in the Americas is living on occupied native land. Same with Australia and New Zealand and dozens of other nations. That land originally belonged to the canaanites anyway Arabs have zero legit claim to it.
I highly doubt this is intentional from ACR and that they instead, at some point in their development, paid for a list of all countries to insert into their software and whoever made the list was the one making a political statement. A unforced error of oversight? Perhaps. But when your company is held together by duct tape by a handful of employees all assuming multiple roles within the company (think both software developer and customer service rep) it's not a surprise that things fall through the cracks.
Agree that this is terrible look. But I also assume it is most likely outsourced list of countries to someone else and not direct ACR decision. I hope.
Whenever I open this thread takes me to the new version of 2plus2 that I never use. Is this a bug?
This is by design. Turtles need canals
As of June 2024, the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 146 of the 193 member states of the United Nations, or just over 75% of all UN members.
Careful, you might be called an antisemite for saying the truth.
ACR is a shit site. They got this one right.
Imagine getting triggered over a label in a game that you're not even playing in. lol