100-200 casino games in Macau still profitable now?
I played 100-200 casino games in Macau several times recently. The table is like 7-8 good regular and 1-2 recreational players with just small flaws. The rake is 5% and 2.5BB cap. Do you think it is beatable long term in the table described? If yes, how do you think the winrate can be?
4 Replies
Sounds like a terrible game. High rake and no whales is fine if you want to get better but not if you want to make money. Although playing much lower stakes online would be a much cheaper way of improving!
Occasionally, you may find one rec player Allin 25000 with AQ, or call allin with JJ 40000 deep, turn into bluff with AT when you've already shown strength. But not that easy to see that, I'm talking about playing several hours to encouter one hand described above. Do these rec players called whales? Still a terrible game as described?
Sounds terrible to me too.
nah even the recs play nitty