*** March 2025 High Stakes Thread ***

*** March 2025 High Stakes Thread ***

Hello and welcome to the arena!

Previous High Stakes thread: *** February 2025 High Stakes Thread ***

: : :

We generally post ~200bb+ pots, but if there's an interesting hand/showdown, or if there's not much action feel free to post smaller ones.

Posting hands

How to post CoinPoker hands:

Click on hand #number in replayer.

Copy text and remove ante part of first row in hh:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400 ante 80) 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

Add - after parenthesis. Line should read:

[code]Poker Hand #72306164: Omaha Pot Limit (200/400) - 2023/04/12 15:51:58 GMT[/code]

This works until someone has a 7 figure stack, then you need to edit any number over one mega.

paste hh https://pokeit.co/convert/

The converted hand will say it's from GG, you may edit this too.

For the OCD inclined, search and replace § with $.

Post your nice hand here!


Please use the following options for converting hands:

Converter from Pokeit https://pokeit.co/convert/ with wide variety of supported games, multiple hand conversion, etc.

Another converter: http://www.railhand.com

Just paste your hand history, convert, copy generated code and paste in this thread.

If you want to post 2-7 TD hands: http://www.feralcowpoker.com.

Set it to "Two Plus Two - textonly" output, and show results and player names.

Known High Stakes players

No Limit Hold'em

  • Alan Zheng = az96 (WPN), Alan Zheng (GG)

  • Alex Trevallion = HornyOldMan (WPN), Alex Trevallion (GG)

  • Alexey Borovkov = Alexey Borovkov (GG), Zas911 (WPN), avr0ra (PS), Youtube Channel Guest Host

  • Andrey Zgirouski = Andrey Zgirouski (GG), diogen13 (PS)

  • Anvar Muratov = ch0p-ch0p (WPN), Anvar Muratov (GG)

  • Armin = AbsoluteTopUp (Global), RealMenRathole (WPN), @Twitter

  • Artem Shaganov = oSpiel888 (PS), jrSuited18 (WPN)

  • Barak Wisbrod = Barak Wisbrod (GG), iWasOnly17 (WPN), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Ben Raven = BenaBadBeat (PS), Benjamin Raven (GG), BenaBadBeat (WPN) Mechnaics of Poker Podcast

  • Boris Martin = Boris Martin (GG), MrBaguette (WPN)

  • Cole Swannack = alanwatts15 (WPN), Cole Swannack (GG), Topkat5757 (PS)

  • Daniel Soltys = Meek Bill (WPN), Daniel Soltys (GG)

  • Darrell Goh = Darrell Goh (GG), JohnMcShen (WPN), FourSixFour (PS)

  • David Hanlon = David Hanlon (GG), uhhhyesandno (WPN)

  • David Yan = David Yan (GG), MissOracle (PS) @Twitter

  • Dmitry Grinenko = FlyingStyle (WPN), Dmitry Grinenko (GG)

  • EnfantProdige (PS) = BeppeBergomi (WPN)

  • George Froggatt = George Froggatt (GG), Real Enough (WPN), You-Mad-Br0 (PS), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter

  • Hector Rodriguez = TUTI88 (PS)

  • Henri Puustinen = Henri Puustinen (GG), buttonclickr (PS)

  • Ignacio Moron = TIKITAKA11 (WPN), Nacho124441 (PS), Ignacio Moron (GG)

  • Ivan Galinec = vesnapisarovic (WPN), ja.sam.gale (PS), Ivan Galinec (GG)

  • Jared Alderman = Jaldermann (WPN), @Twitter

  • Jeremiah Williams = JeremiahW (Global), freestyler (WSOP.com), @Twitch.tv

  • Jose Jiminez = Jose Jiminez (GG), JMBigJoe (PS), Poker Life Podcast

  • Josef Schusteritsch = Sunni_92 (PS), J Schusteritsch (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Juan Pardo = Juan Pardo (GG) = Malakastyle (PS)

  • Julian Schultheis = JVL_Starrr69 (PS), J Schultheis (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Kayhan Mokri = Kayhan Mokri (GG), kayhanmok (PS)

  • Linus Loeliger = borntotilt (WPN), LLinusLLove (PS), Linus Loeliger (GG) Trion Poker Interview

  • Luuk Gieles = 6-7BTC (WPN), Luuk Gieles (GG), pokerkluka (PS)

  • Manuel Saavedra = Manuel Saavedra (GG), J0hnMcclean (WPN)

  • Marius Gierse = Orgi69 (WPN), Marius Gierse (GG), DEX888

  • Markus Leikkonen = M Leikkonen (GG), Makeboifin (PS), Mexican222 (WPN) Joey Podcast @Twitter

  • Matt Marinelli = ILuvAvrilLavigne91 (WPN), Matt Marinelli (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast @Twitter

  • Michael Zhang = Michael Zhang (GG), mczhang (PS)

  • Misha Inner = Misha Inner (GG) @Twitch.tv

  • Naoufel Smires = Bonk30 (PS), Naoufel Smires (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Owen Messere = PR0DIGY (WPN), Owen Messere (GG), HU vs Doug Polk @ The Lodge

  • Patrick Sekinger = psek1 (PS), P Sekinger (GG)

  • Pauli Ayras = Pauli Ayras (GG), Fiilismies (PS)

  • Priit Parmasto = Priit Parmasto (GG), PathfinderPaco (WPN)

  • Roberto Perez = CWestmoreland (WPN), DavyJones922 (PS), LemonHouse (GG), Mento Poker Podcast

  • Roman Herold = Roman Herold (GG), Romanhld (PS)

  • Samu Aalto = Samu Aalto (GG), pla5te (PS)

  • Sergey Nikiforov = Burundos254 (WPN), MunEZ_StaRR (PS), Sergey Nikiforov (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Siarhei Mashko = Siarhei Mashko (GG), AGL_by (PS)

  • Stefan Burakov = Stefan11222 (PS), Ollin22333 (WPN), Stefan Burakov (GG), Stefan Blog

  • Steffen Sontheimer = go0se.core (PS), S Sontheimer (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Taisto Janter = Taisto Janter (GG), SigadiSogadi (WPN), SyrW_Helmets (PS)

  • Tobias Duthweiler = dudd1 (PS), moneybyebye (WPN), T Duthweiler (GG) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Uri Peleg = Miscusee (PS), Uri Peleg (GG), Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Via Negativa (GG) = oneplusone (WPN)

  • Vicente Delgado = eldelbar (WPN), vicenfish (PS) Vicente Delgado (GG)

  • Viktor Kudinov = Viktor Kudinov (GG), 7SkyAroundMe (WPN), Zas91 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Wiktor Malinowski = Iimitless (PS), W Malinowski (GG), Epic Joey Podcast Interview

  • Wouter Beumers = DoublelegTD (WPN), W Beumers (GG), MMAsherdog (PS)

Pot Limit Omaha

  • Aku Joentausta = Aku Joentausta (GG), Aku1206 (PS)

  • Andras Nemeth = Andras Nemeth (GG), probirs (PS)

  • Andreas Torbergsen = Andreas Torbergsen (GG), Skjervoy (PS)


  • Dirk Gerritse = Dirk Gerritse (GG) = Venividi1993 (PS) = Bodamos007 (WPN)

  • Eelis Pärssinen = Eelis Pärssinen (GG), EEE27 (PS)

  • Grazvydas Kontautas = Grazvydas (ACR), grazvis1 (PS)

  • Gruffudd Jones = d.apollo777 (PS) Mechanics of Poker Podcast

  • Hung Nguyen = Hung Nguyen (GG), Zero1100101 (PS)

  • James Park = James Park (GG), JayP-AA (PS)

  • Konstantin Osipau = Konstantin Osipau (GG), Katya18 (PS)

  • Laszlo Bujtas = Laszlo Bujtas (GG), omaha4rollz (PS)

  • Liviu Ignat = Liviu Ignat (GG), 0Human0 (PS)

  • Luuk van den Belt = Luuk van den Belt (GG), Cobus83 (PS)

  • Maxime Lemay = Maxime Lemay (GG), Amsogood (PS)

  • Pedro Zagalo = Pedro Zagalo (GG), Zagalo87 (PS)

  • Stanislau Melhui = Stanislau Melhui (GG), borntotilt (PS)

  • Vasilev Sergei = Vasilev Sergei (GG), St1ckman (PS)

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) 24 Views 24
01 March 2025 at 06:47 AM

113 Replies


pls tell me somebody filmed it

by Bondurant k

And there was no haymaker, we got face 2 face and next thing you know Eelis running opposite way shouting security without me even touching him.

I'm willing to give you 5/1 for any amount on did you try to take a swing or not.

I'm sure we can get the tapes eventually if Eelis presses charges, like security is advising him to do.

by EEE27 k

And if you ever make it to a live tournament stop, I’ll give you 300/600 PLO HU action live.

Is this offer still up?

★ Recommended Post
by Bondurant k

Lol "drunken haymaker".

I am completely sober.

Even though yeah I am dealing with a bunch of soyboys I do have enough respect to show up sober.

And there was no haymaker, we got face 2 face and next thing you know Eelis running opposite way shouting security without me even touching him.

Casino manager called me on Whatspp and asked to meet in lobby and told me that I am barred from casino.

Okey I am continuing with my trip and going Kyoto tomorrow. Will go back to live poker when I feel more li

You come across as a creepy weirdo who needs to do literally anything else other than whatever it is you are doing towards EEE

You are just a stalker at this point

What kind of sweater was Eelis wearing when you punched him? The Gucci, the Louie?

In all seriousness, I hope Paul Phua sics his henchmen on you for this, Bondurant, and that you are barred from Mechanics of Poker podcasts in the future.

No soup for you!

by Bondurant k

Okey I am continuing with my trip and going Kyoto tomorrow. Will go back to live poker when I feel more like playing more poker.

Aparently Eelis in a group of Finnish crowd and still feels the need to run away.

You should probably stick to online if you're unhinged and attacking people in public.

imo kinda badass obviously a little bit unhinged but nobody can say gravy doesn’t stand on business

This is some Telemundo kind of **** happening around Eelis & Grazvys, can't make this up.
Anyone has some solid cliffs what's this all about?

Ya’ll roasted me when I said this guys got diagnosable issues and needs therapy and/or meds.

Bondurant, you need to step away from your computer for an extended amount of time. Sounds like you’re building up this villian arc in your head that’s not there. If you don’t have a GF you should find one. The right girl can help prioritize whats important in life. The wrong girl can exasperate issues tho

Bitten off more than you can chew mr eelis ?

Always funny (and classy move) when somebody fronts like that in DMs but when the time comes they run to security


If Eelis wants to talk about meeting up and handling business then he has to know this is a possibility. You want to talk about real life stuff on the Internet, be ready for real life

Still **** stupid from Grav but he just let emotions get the better of him, he pbb knows the consequences and thinks it’s worth it. Not that big of a deal imo, let them handle it

what is the back story for all of this, super weird since it appears they never met in person?

Interesting read, certainly could call this a high stakes confrontation. Get Eddie Hearn and Frank Warren in here quick.

I come back to read the forum after a break and the first thing I see is Grazvy pulling up on EEE lol

by rickroll k

what is the back story for all of this, super weird since it appears they never met in person?

I think they call it a bad beat

by rickroll k

what is the back story for all of this, super weird since it appears they never met in person?

The back story is incredibly easy to follow since both of them only got forum posts related to this.

by ggbruuce k

The back story is incredibly easy to follow since both of them only got forum posts related to this.

basicly Bondurant fall in love in elli and been stalking him a long time.

He is not happy he has been rejected and he is getting more and more desperate and angry about it... but hey... love is love.

He saw elli with a girl on a triton a lost nerves but hey love is love.

Sad love story and sad for Bondurant :(

I don't think wanting to resolve issues f2f instead of on the forums implies you should be ready to get physical

Hey Bondurant who is Cohiba, and is he tougher or omaha4rollz?

This has long past the point of it just being an embarrassing episode - at times point it seems like an actual episode. It’s time to cut out the stalking and get your **** together Gravy.

Nice work Gravy. Forget all the outraged faux therapists in the thread, go for the crane kick next time

Never knew how to play tournaments anyway... also wtf is Japan like the most expensive place in the world?

by coordi k

You come across as a creepy weirdo who needs to do literally anything else other than whatever it is you are doing towards EEE

You are just a stalker at this point

Can you be a bit less broke?

by Bondurant k

Lol "drunken haymaker".
And there was no haymaker, we got face 2 face and next thing you know Eelis running opposite way shouting security without me even touching him.

Casino manager called me on Whatspp and asked to meet in lobby and told me that I am barred from casino.

why did the casino manager ban you if all that happened was getting face 2 face? surely that's something that happens regularly and wont result in getting banned from a casino.
