Facing Overbet with TT on Good Board
Here's a weird spot from a $300 live tournament yesterday:
Blinds are 100/100 with a 100 BBA. Starting stack 30k so very favorable structure and very deep. I have TT in early position and open to 400. V to my immediate left, button and BB call. (1800). Flop 972 with a diamond draw. Checked to me, I bet 1000, V and the button both call. The BB folds. (4800)
The turn is an offsuit 8. I am very torn between checking and betting as on the one hand I don't want it checked through and an overcard comes on the river, but on the other hand this card is good for the opponents' range and someone could now have a straight, set, or two pair. I elect to check, and V to my left bets 7300, nearly 1.5x pot. The button folds.
7 Replies
I should add that the V in question is splashy and aggressive, but also a sharp player who has won several tournaments at this venue recently.
Well played. I fold here. No need to gamble for that much when we’re likely drawing to 8 outs (2 of which are dirty) and we could be drawing for a chop. Way too early to invest this much and chase with incorrect odds. Implied odds not great either since our hand would be face up on river.
I’m calling. We block the nuts. We presumably unblock diamonds.
Re-entry allowed?
So many times that this is a turned two pair, set or straight and villain just doesn’t want to see a river in case it improves us.
I’m happy to fold and ‘wait for better spots’, or if reentry is available I think seriously about just sticking my stack in his eye here. We’re never drawing dead, even if sometimes we might be drawing to a chop.
Yes, re-entry allowed. Raising entered my head as well as this is diamonds so often and he will have to fold. Even against 2 pair we have good equity. But if we call realizing it OOP is tricky on almost all cards.
My first thought is that there will be a huge river bet as well. Could be an all-in set up. So typically I fold. The other reason I fold is that if we hit a straight we won't get paid off because its obvious we would have a straight if we lead out and if they don't also have a T they won't call the river bet.
My guess is that villain has 2 pair or a set. We block the JT straights (but it could be a straight). 65 straights are possible but not likely.
We did somewhat under rep our hand by checking the turn and I would likely call a smaller bet (like 50% to75% pot).
I would bet large on this flop. You're deep with a vulnerable made hand against 3 opponents on a very dynamic flop. I'd go pot there.
Turn I'm firing again. You block the nuts and 65 is not in all their ranges (especially if you bet large on the flop). You would have heard from a set or top 2 on the flop. When you check you cap your range and give someone an opportunity to put you in a difficult spot, which is exactly what happened. I would bet/fold the turn.