A92 20bb CO in a sattelie shove nash or better to open
I have a question about the nash push fold. I can see i can profitable push a9s for 20 bb from the cuttof. It feels like there's always someone waking up with a better hand 😀
But when there are recreationals who might be making mistakes later isnt it better to open en fold to a shove and wait for better spots? It often feels like thats a better option, but maybe im to nitty an to much risk averse.
It was a sattelite with 3 tickets. 20 left with an average stack.
5 Replies
I'm not remotely a GTO expert, but something to keep in mind is that push fold charts only tell you whether pushing will show a profit. They do not tell you whether the pushing profit will exceed the profit of a min open.
Imo, min opening is generally more profitable than shoving in this particular spot. I might shove against three pros who will 3 bet me light, but against most recreationals we can raise and fold to a 3 bet.
Awful shove in a satellite. Raise/fold is much better. In general, usually don't want to open shove 20xBB because it is slightly cEV+ according to a chart.
There are times to just shove for 20xBB. Generally in late position with a hand that would be a marginal fold if you got 3! and maybe plays poorly postflop shallow, like a small pp, Axs or unsuited broadway cards. I wouldn't do that much in a satellite though, even not close to the money. I certainly wouldn't shove for a huge number of BBs just because a table says it is a profitable shove.
We ‘should’ be able to shove wider in a satellite because calling ranges ‘should’ be tighter.
We most definitely can shove a lot stronger hands too.