$1 MTT - AKs Flop spot
PokerStars - 1250/2500 Ante 315 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 124,516
Hero (SB): 51,333
BB: 62,034
UTG: 56,206
UTG+1: 183,983
MP: 126,562
CO: 74,809
7 players post ante of 315, Hero posts SB 1,250, BB posts BB 2,500
Pre Flop: (pot: 5,955) Hero has K♥ A♥
fold, fold, MP calls 2,500, fold, fold, Hero raises to 8,750, fold, MP calls 6,250
Flop: (22,205, 2 players) 6♦ 7♣ Q♠
Hero bets 7,328, MP raises to 14,656, Hero?
4 Replies
(Disclaimer : not a tournament player)
I think you can bet bit smaller on the flop.
With 0 read I would just fold to the raise, it's a bit painful but you have A high with no possibility to improve to a nutted hand.
Out of position I prefer to isolate a bit larger to at least 10k or 4BB.
You pretty much missed completely here, but you still have some showdown value. I prefer to start defensively with a check. If he check back, its great, and if he bet, then you just make a decision. Probably call a small bet but fold to a large one. As played its annoying to fold to a min-raise, but its to expensive to continue, and you dont have enough ways to win this pot.
I see, yes that makes sense, thanks 😀
I shoved allin lol, he called with KQo XD
It seems OK until you get raised. It is really exploitable, I would would fold to the flop miniraise at those stakes. You could call and see if he bets and if you hit on the turn. You could get totally pushed around folding to raises of cbets, but I don't think people know to do that at these stakes.