Could I have folded pocket kings preflop here? WSOP $800 buy-in deepstack, Event #17
Played in WSOP $800 buy-in deepstack. Very last hand of day 1. Down to around 320 players from 4,732 entrants.
I was 2nd in chips at my table with around 40 big blinds. Chip leader (villain) had around 60.
Action starts with a player raising in early position to 4 BB. I re-raised to 15 BB with pocket kings. The villain instantly moves all-in. He was a bit of an aggressive player capable of making big bets with less than great hands but wasn't too out of line. The guy after him then tanks for like 5 minutes, agonizing before folding. The action then goes back to the initial raiser, who also moves all-in (I had him barely covered).
So now I'm thinking that one of them has Aces and my gut was telling me to fold so I can come back for day 2. But mathematically I could not find a way to justify folding pocket kings preflop. So I called. The villain had pocket aces and the initial raiser hand pocket queens. The aces held up and I was knocked out in the last hand of the day.
Could you guys have found a fold here or is this an automatic call even if the result was not ideal? I definitely would have folded pocket queens or ace-king suited.
9 Replies
I’m not folding. It’s 40bbs not 150bb and it’s not some big ICM spot. This is just the nature of tourney poker. Only so many spots to accumulate and with KK and 40bbs this isn’t enough action for me to consider folding.
Not a fan of sizing unless you are SB or BB. I would have made it 12 bb's but even then its really a shove for me (at 33% effective stack). So, I would have been knocked out on my shove getting called by AA.
As played I think its a call with 40 bb's after putting in close to 40% of your stack already. Villain can have AK (likely AKs). Also it matters how frequently you have been 3-betting, previous sizing, and any weakish 3-bets you made have been seen (so would they think your range was wide)
That would be a very hard hand for me to fold. What was the average stack size at the time?
We're supposed to go broke here, sorry.
+1 to this. If you are questioning getting KK in before a day 2 in a small
Buy in live mtt with a huge field- tournaments may not be for you. This stuff happens- if it bothers you: stop playing tournaments bc the variance can be brutal.
Almost never wrong to get 40bb I’m with kk unless some huge icm spot where you let a lot of 2-10bb stacks bubble jump you.
After you 3 bet, this is a very easy call. You have to call 25BB to 86BB. You only need 29% equity. Even if the player has AA 50% of the time, you are getting the right price to call this. Plus there will be an number of times you will be against AK and QQ.
Keep at it. Your time will come.
Too big of a 3bet, either shove / 3bet to 10bb or flat call to trap
One of the reasons the 'defualt' 3! size is ~3x is that you are trying to (mostly) get it heads up with that raiser. This means you want to 3! bigger when the initial raise was small; here the initial raise was (4x, lol). No need go any bigger than 2.5x and I can see a case for even smaller.
As played, it is always a call. It feels terrible when you see AA, but you don't always.
You are in an accumulation phase of the tournament; the ICM is fairly low, and the big $ is far away.