2$ MTT Q9o SB, what to do?

2$ MTT Q9o SB, what to do?

Hi guys. I just got busted with this, and I really don't know how to play this hand in this scenario. Ill try to get so many details as possible.

It's an MTT 2$. I'm 160 out of 300. 103 in the money. I'm having around 20 BB. I'm dealt Q9o in SB. Everyone folds to me. BB has me covered. He is around 40BB.

What to do here? I guess folding is not an option, as we at least wanna steal blinds? Calling seems weird aswell? If i raise I have the idea that he will push, cause "every SB clickraise" and he has me covered. Should i push with Q9o now? If he calls with KTs for example, I'm a huge underdog and I'm out of the tournament for doing something stupid?
How should this be played and why?

I did clickraise, he pushed and I called. I was sure he wouldn't accept to "be pushed around" by a smaller stack, so he would push with literally everything. He had A7o and won and I was out of the tournament.

24 June 2024 at 07:47 PM

11 Replies

Limp / call. Fold if you complete and he jams.

Clickraise from the SB is generally not good, but maybe OK short stacked. Hand is not strong enough to raise/call or shove. I personally would limp/fold, but you could raise small / fold. I think those are fine is balanced with stronger hands. Nath is probably right that limp/call and but fold to a shove is standard. However, it might be nasty to play OOP without initiative with like 2.5 SPR.

Making a call think about not being pushed around is not a good approach. You need balanced ranges so you are OK folding to a shove.

r/f 2.3 bb's

by SpaceCadetDave k

r/f 2.3 bb's

Yeah, I prefer that or limp/fold to limp/call. If you limp/fold, you need a balanced range with limp/shoves.

As I understand it this is definately a limp/call-hand GTO-wise when we're deeper. Not sure about 20bb though. Whatever line we decide this is always going to be a difficult spot against more aggressive players. Maybe there will be more spots when BB will feel encouraged to raise when we limp, because a limp will be interpreted as weaker than a raise. If we start to raise a lot more hands like this one, investing about 10% of our stack in the process, we'll also have to fold a bigger percentage of our raises when BB re-raises. We definately have to fold to a raise allin and I think the hand is to weak to call for such a large portion of our stack. We will miss most flops and be OOP against the preflop raiser, meaning they will C-bet many flops and force us to fold. And if we hit a 9 or a Q with no or just one overcard we will face a very tough decision if BB shows determination to win the pot.

Yeah, I don't think we can limp/call with this stack, even though it is GTO when deeper. If you are raising and limping, it is probably raise/fold, as this hand might be too strong to limp/fold. If villain is very aggressive, then limp/fold might be better. You will get hands to gii with. I wouldn't worry about being exploited. This is just not a gii hand.

Limp/calling is fine because this hand is strong enough that you flop top pair or a draw a decent amount of the time and can get it in. This changes if BB raises far bigger than standard here or you know they raise a very tight range.

Raising is fine according to the solvers (should be 2.8x from SB at this depth) but you just fold to a shove, you don't beat anything and you're basically hoping you're calling off to a 40/60-- not a good spot to be in.

The correct play is to raise to 13bb and fold to a jam.

by nootaboos k

The correct play is to raise to 13bb and fold to a jam.

That's a joke?

Sorry meant 17bb.

by nootaboos k

Sorry meant 17bb.

