Brewer's flat with AA 3-handed in the PPC
NLHE in 9-game. Yockey had about 12 M, Negreanu about 11M, and Yockey 3.3M. Negreanu limped for 160K in small ball style from the button, Yockey raised to 550K from the SB, and Brewer called from the BB with AA. Now his only options were to call or push. If he pushed, Yockey would have to put in about 2.75M to win about 4.15M, getting about 1.5-1 or about 40% of the money. If both players fold, Brewer picks up about 1.03M uncontested. Occasionally, Negreanu is trapping with JJ+/AK and will call/push. Not sure how many hands besides AA Brewer flat calls with. Once he flat calls, Negreanu probably does too, so it is a 3-way pot, which may are may not be good for Brewer. I thought pushing would have been better. I assume many know the results.
2 Replies
I think it's fine with how far behind Brewer was. ICM is not much of a concern for him here with the gap in chips between him and the other two. He also has less than 20BB. Trapping with AA gives him a good opportunity to get his money in good and double back into contention.
Brewer knows better than anyone who would comment on this forum so it's more about working out why he did what he did than if its right.
With Yockey covering Dnegs and able to pressure wide he probably decides he wants to just call and keep that range wide, his risk premium is also super low he can stack off on any flop