JJ Day One WSOP Super Senior...Fold, Call, or Raise?

JJ Day One WSOP Super Senior...Fold, Call, or Raise?

It's Day One of the 2024 WSOP Super Senior event, and I've built the 20K starting stack to about 70K as we approach the end of Level 7 of 10 scheduled hour-long levels for the day. At 400/800/800 and ten-handed play, +1 (~45K) raises to 2200, HJ (~35K) calls, & SB then jams for 19K. I'm in the BB and look down at two black Jacks. Reads as follows:

SB: Has been at the table throughout. Has been active, somewhat on the aggressive side, and I've won several pots against him.
+1: Came to the table 2-3 levels ago. Mentioned this is his second bullet, and that he got coolered to get eliminated on his first bullet. Has played solid in his time at this table.
HJ: Has also been at the table from the beginning. Has been in alot of hands. Likes to defend. Has made some light river calls, and been correct over 50% of the time, often with hands that I was surprised to see he had chosen to play.

So, with this, do we fold and play for a better spot? ...call and hope not to get raised behind? ...raise to isolate?

Additionally, does your answer change if this wasn't a Super Senior event?

02 July 2024 at 07:51 PM

9 Replies

I don't like any option. Tuff spot. The position of the first raiser is the problem and and I dont worry about the HJ. I am leaning toward a fold. If you call you now open up a jam from either player.
I would rank the options in order as Fold, Jam, call.

If it wasnt the Super Seniors, i would imagine the ranges are a little looser so more likely to jam.

Think the sensible thing is to fold tbh. We can’t flat, and do we really want to punt off nearly 60bb pre with jacks?

+1 for fold. The ten handed bit pushes me over the top, though I think it's probably a fold anyway.

What range do you assign SB?

Seniors event is relevant, but more relevant is gameflow, icm effects if less than half the field remains, and active player tendencies over the past several hours.

+1 worries me but with an active SB under 25BB and the fourth-best hand I probably just rip it in and hope +1 doesn't have QQ+.

Sr event is crucial, and I'm guessing a Super is even softer. I learned the hard way about ripping jacks here. SB may have AA-QQ here as well.


Super Senior this is a fold for me.

In fact QQ would be the hand that would require some thought for me. Given SB is wildish I would likely jam with QQ but I did fold QQ twice in spots where there was a UTG open and a 3-bet jam. Once I would have been up against AKs and the other time AA.

Not Super Senior it is a very tough spot as well. If it was just a SB jam then its an easy call. But given UTG status I might call and I might jam. But its not simple. AQ would likely fold (AJ/AT would definitely fold). AK likely calls. QQ+ always calls and we are in trouble. So probably more than half of the calls are bad for us. How wide UTG is, is key.

I bounced in the WSOP Main one year with JJ in a similar type spot. UTG (widish) open raised folded to BTN who 3-bets often and he 3-bet, I jammed UTG folded, BTN tanked and called with AK. Here though SB can't reraise and UTG we don't know if he's wide.

The other almost crazy aspect of this is that in a Super Senior event HJ can have QQ here and call UTG. Not wanting to get it in with UTG. But if we jam and UTG folds, HJ actually will call with QQ.

by oldsilver k

What range do you assign SB?

Seniors event is relevant, but more relevant is gameflow, icm effects if less than half the field remains, and active player tendencies over the past several hours.

SB has been the widest player at the table. In game, I put his range as 88+, AK-ATs, AK/AQ, KQs/KJs/QJs. He wasn't really the player I was concerned with, though. As Oldsomething noted, the initial raise coming from +1 was what was of concern to me. The flat-caller wasn't much of a concern at all.

Level 7 in Day One of a 3-4 day tourney, so ICM isn't really a concern.

Consensus seems to be this is a fold, especially since it's the Super Senior, and we're all nits! In game, that's what I did, but in hindsight and with the value of afterthought, I had different thoughts. Appreciate feedback on this.

Why not call? This in itself looks super strong, so if +1 then jams, I can comfortably fold & still have 51K (63 BBs). This early in the tourney, I should be trying to build a stack that I can take to day two and be able to navigate well through the bubble, even (depending on table draw) be the one abusing the bubble.

For what it's worth, +1 and the flat caller quickly folded after I did. Later, when asked, the SB said he had 98dd, and figured it was time to double up or rebuy.
