3bet pot facing Flop Cbet- flat of xraise?

3bet pot facing Flop Cbet- flat of xraise?

HR $400 50k live tourney-- Blinds 1k/1.5k
HeroUTG+1 95k(63bb) V in CO with about 85k(56bb)

Hero open 9s9d to 3.5k V 3bet from CO to 11k- Hero Calls

Flop(pot approx 25k with BB ante)
Hero Check, V bet 10k, Hero call
Turn Qc Hero check, V bet 25k, Hero fold

Should i be mixing in check raises on flop or is as played fine with no club in hand?

07 July 2024 at 03:15 PM

3 Replies

by bjp1080 k

HR $400 50k live tourney-- Blinds 1k/1.5k
HeroUTG+1 95k(63bb) V in CO with about 85k(56bb)

Hero open 9s9d to 3.5k V 3bet from CO to 11k- Hero Calls

Flop(pot approx 25k with BB ante)
Hero Check, V bet 10k, Hero call
Turn Qc Hero check, V bet 25k, Hero fold

Should i be mixing in check raises on flop or is as played fine with no club in hand?

I don’t like c/r for two reasons. First - What are we repping after opening and calling a 3b on this board? Second - we could get blown off our equity if V comes with a 3bet (Probly a shove).

No idea what the solver says so will defer to others on that part.

On the flop solver suggests to xR all-in with 99 with club. 99 + 87 is the main portion of value-xR. https://poker.academy/share/668bf4d10921...

Calling pre here is really bad imo - here you get probably in the top 10% of flops and still don't know how to proceed. If you're opening UTG+1 to a full table I doubt he's that light here and if he is I'd rather just 4b with all the dead money and lack of playability postflop. Fold pre - as played I would x/r to like 30k on the flop - terrible flop for big pairs and you have equity if he does call it off. Overall though a spot you could avoid.
